37 Inspirational Mottos to Live By

Blog Post Updated March 21st, 2023

Having an inspirational motto in life is a great way to keep ourselves motivated and on the path toward success. As humans, we all need a little boost now and then—and having a unique motto can help us stay focused and positive while achieving our goals.

It can also help change your approach and perspective on life. Think of a good life motto as a guiding principle that can help you make tough decisions or remind you of who you are whenever you may be in doubt.

Life mottos are like mantras in that they help put words to the values, mindsets, and behaviors that you want to manifest.

Once you’ve set a goal or an intention for yourself, it’s a good idea to accompany each with a personal motto that you can verbalize and repeat in times of need.

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What is a Life Motto?

A life motto is words you live by that help give you a sense of direction, identity, and purpose. A personal motto should resonate with your personal beliefs and should feel empowering when you recite the words.

Mottos are typically short, catchy phrases that capture profound meaning. They can be summed up as philosophies of life. They can be inspiring, motivational, and encourage you to keep moving forward, even when times feel tough.

Having a life motto is like a compass you can turn to when you feel you’ve lost your way, and it helps you recalibrate the direction you’re moving in if you fall off track.

Mottos can also be used as a calming statement you repeat to yourself during stressful situations to help you return to the present moment.

When choosing a life motto, consider the person you want to be and your core values. Find a good one that reflects that mindset or belief.

life mottos to live by

In this post, we’re sharing some examples of life mottos to live by. Choose the ones that resonate the most with you. Repeat your personal mottos to yourself daily so you can build a strong connection to the words and their meaning. This way, their power will already be accessible to you when you need it most.

37 Inspirational Mottos to Live By

1. Be kind; you never know the battles others are fighting.

2. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

3. Live each day as if it were your last.

4. The grass is green where you water it.

5. Breathe in courage, breathe out fear.

6. This too shall pass.

7. I am what I think about.

8. Tomorrow is another day.

9. Progress, not perfection.

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10. Honesty is the best policy

11. We are all a work in progress.

12. Be intentional in all that you do.

13. Keep your eyes on the prize.

14. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

15. Fake it ‘till you make it.

16. Remember your why.

17. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

18. There is always something to be grateful for.

19. Vision without action is a daydream.

20. There’s no better time than now.

21. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

22. It doesn’t matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.

23. Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.

24. Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be; embrace who you are.

25. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

26. Everything happens for a reason.

27. Make every day count.

28. The only limits are the ones you set yourself.

29. Nothing worth having comes easy.

30. Every day is a new opportunity for greatness.

31. Seek out knowledge and never stop learning .

32. The only person you need to be better than is the one you were yesterday.

33. Time is one of your most valuable assets, use it wisely.

34. Visualize success and work for it.

35. Celebrate life’s little victories.

36. Never settle for less than you deserve.

37. It’s not about having the best of everything, it’s about making the most of everything you have.

Final Thoughts

You’ve probably heard of some of these mottos before. Use these as inspiration or come up with your own personal one! To develop your own life motto, think of a specific goal or attitude you’d like to create a motto for.

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Then, brainstorm words, and think of song lyrics and favorite quotes that you feel resonate with that goal or theme. Use your life motto to help guide you toward becoming the best version of yourself.

And remember, choosing a life motto doesn’t have to feel like you’re committing to it forever. As your goals and intentions change, it’s ok for your mottos to change as well.