How To Live A Quiet Life

We find ourselves being so busy nowadays. The feeling of busyness has consumed our life to the point where we are yearning for a simple life, a quiet life.

The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind – Albert Einstein

 It’s so easy to get distracted by all of the noise that surrounds us and an endless list of demands pulling us in different directions.

How can you lean more towards a quiet lifestyle?


What Does it Mean to Live a Quiet Life 

A quiet life can be envisioned differently by different people.

A quiet life can be defined as living with simplicity and living with less.

This could mean less distractions, less people, less clutter, less noise, etc.  

Perhaps for some, a quiet life means:


Not Keeping Up With the Joneses

Forgetting about what your neighbor or friends have or trying to keep up with them. Being content with what you have.


Keeping a small and close circle of friends

Filtering out who is important to you, and the role a person plays in your life.

Having a home by the countryside

There’s something about being connected to nature and surrounded by natural beauty that tends to brighten our moods.

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Avoid being involved in other peoples problems

Try not to get involved in unnecessary drama and try not to take other people’s problems on as your own.

quiet life


Taking time away from social media

Spending time away from social media takes you away from the distractions of the digital world where you can focus more on the present.


Not overthinking things

A calm mind is a quiet mind. It’s easy to get wrapped up in our thoughts, but try not to be consumed by them.


How to Live a Quiet Life 


1. Find Your Why

Why do you want to live a quiet life? Make a list of reasons why a quiet life is appealing to you.

It could be that you live in a noisy city and want to experience a calmer lifestyle or it could be that you find yourself spending too much time on social media and want to be more focused on in the present moment.

Discovering the reasons behind your desire to live a quiet life is the first step. 


2. Filter Out Your Distractions 

Distractions have the power to prevent us from focusing on what matters.

We live in a world consumed by technology, demands, and options- it doesn’t take much to lose focus on the task at hand.

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Take a moment to ask yourself…

 Why am I distracted and where are these distractions coming from? 

What effects do these distractions have on me?

Are these distractions preventing me from living how I truly want?

Next, write down a list of common distractions that you find yourself constantly giving into. Place them in different categories based on their importance.

Are they healthy distractions? 

Are they consuming too much of your time? 

Write a list of things you would like to focus on if the unimportant distractions weren’t present. Do you see yourself accomplishing more? 

A quiet lifestyle doesn’t mean you are completely free from all distractions, but that you have the ability to limit them, resulting in a quiet life.


3. Choose Who Matters

Out of all the distractions that consume us in our lives, people can sometimes be the most distracting of them all.

Do you have a coworker who is constantly complaining?

Do you have a negative friend who is constantly bringing you down?

Do you come across someone on social media who says the most horrific thing?

Take a moment to reflect on who really matters in your life.

Do they add value to your life?

Are they there for you when you need them?

Do you feel happy when they are around?

Living a quiet lifestyle means surrounding yourself with quality, not quantity.

Valuable relationships add to your life and help you to feel fulfilled.

If you find yourself associating with many acquaintances and not true friends, a quiet lifestyle can help you to focus on those relationships that matter.


4. Take A Break From Social Media

Social media can be one of the biggest and most time-consuming spaces we dwell in daily.

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If you find yourself scrolling mindlessly through social media without any real direction, it could be time to set it aside for another day or time.

A quiet life can be achieved with the presence of social media, but by using it with intention.

For example, do you use social media to:

Find important information related to some questions you may have? 

To seek inspiration that provides you with hope or positive feelings?

Pinpoint exactly why you are using a certain socia media platform and try to figure out what purpose it serves you. Does it add value to your life?

Or are you using a platform just because it’s trending and everyone is talking about it?

Is everyone spending time on this platform to see what is going on in other people’s lives? What is the real intention behind your using social media?

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Living A Quiet Life

Living a quiet life doesn’t mean that life is perfect.

It means that you choose to focus your energy on what truly matters and that you have the ability to filter out the noise.

Do you wish for a quiet life? What are some steps you can take to live a more calm and quiet life? Share in the comments below:



14 thoughts on “How To Live A Quiet Life”

  1. You summed me up in one post! This is me to a T. As I’ve grown older, my circle of friends has shrunk and now I prefer peace instead of keeping with the Joneses. Unfortunately, hard as I try explaining myself to people, they still do not understand, so I stopped explaining myself. I am unapologetic about my introverted life and I will not have it any other way 🙂

    • That’s so important, I’m happy to hear you’ve come to a good and comfortable place in life. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love this! I think it that sometimes it is nice to just have a quiet simple life with little distraction. It really can be extremely overwhelming always being in the thick of things, being pulled by shiny objects or the lastest trend. Actually it can be quite exhausting depending on who and what is pulling you. Taking a step back and being present and at peace in the moment is probably one of the best gifts you can give to yourself and most of us need it badly! I think that because not being busy gets labeled as boring or as lazy that people have a hard time with it. However, in the grand scheme of things, just being and not always doing can be extremely powerful and eye opening. Not to mention, restful and a wonderful way to decompress and relax.

  3. I really enjoyed this. I am an introvert and silence is something that I need for myself… it is something that helps me turn thoughts into reality.

  4. You’ve made me feel very calm just reading your words. Thank you for taking the time to write this.

  5. This was good for my soul. I’m yearning for a simpler life . I need space .., quietness from the city .., the busyness that everyone seems to think is necessary.., and to be able to think . I want to focus on the beauty of nature and re learn the ability to actually be present in my life .
    Thank you for writing this. It’s very very encouraging . Sometimes we just don’t know what to do to create the peace we need. This is a fantastic read.

  6. I’ve been evaluating these things myself. Was a good excuse to have a simple holiday season and the result was a lot less anxiety and increased rest and relaxation. Thanks for sharing.

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