100 Simple Morning Habits to Enhance Your Everyday

We all know that we should set goals and work towards them each day. But how often do we actually do it? If you’re like most people, not enough! In this blog post, I want to offer up 100-morning habits that can help enhance your everyday life.

These tips will get you into a better mindset for productivity during the day and make living easier in general. Give these practices a try today to see how they affect your lifestyle tomorrow!

1. Take a long shower

This one is self-explanatory. A refreshing shower can help jumpstart your day and make you feel great before starting work.

2. Stretch your body

Stretching is a great way to wake up and get ready for the day. It only takes a couple of minutes but it can really help you feel at your best!

3. Meditate

Meditating in the morning is a great way to get your mind focused and ready for the day. Try taking one minute of meditating before you start your work, this can help clear out all distractions and boost productivity!

4. Read

Reading is a great way to start off the day with knowledge. It’s also been proven that reading is linked to increased creativity and intelligence, so it’s really worth getting into this habit!

5. Practice your morning rituals

Morning rituals are the things that you do every day to start off well. For some people, these might include praying or saying affirmations, for others they can be reading a book or writing in their journal.

Whatever it is that works for you – give it time and make sure to practice this habit daily!

6. Take a walk

Walking is one of the best morning habits you could have. It’s not only good for your health, but it also helps to clear your head and get ideas flowing before starting work.

7. Eat a good breakfast

It’s important to fuel your body in the morning with something nutritious. Breakfast should include protein, carbs, and some fat – this will help you feel full for longer and keep your energy levels up!

8. Create a morning routine

It’s important to have some sort of set structure for your day. Creating the perfect morning routine will help you feel more in control and like everything is going according to plan!

9. Cook breakfast

Eating out for every meal is expensive and unhealthy. Cooking your own food in the morning can help save money, give you more control over what goes into it, and make eating healthy feel easier!

10. Drink a refreshing smoothie

Smoothies are an easy way to start the day off with some much-needed nutrients. Blend up your favorite fruits and vegetables for a healthy breakfast or snack!

11. Write in your journal from yesterday

This might sound strange, but writing in your journal before you get started on work can be very relaxing while also being a great way to start the day. Taking some time out of your schedule for self-care can really help you feel refreshed and rejuvenated!

12. Draw or paint in watercolor

Painting is another art that requires creativity, so it’s worth trying this as one of your morning habits. Allowing yourself to be creative can help you feel more fulfilled and have a better mood overall!

13. Clean up your bedroom

Having an organized room will make it easier to find things in the morning, which can really save time for getting started on work or other tasks that need completing.

14. Put together outfits for today’s activities

Sorting out what you’ll be wearing for the day will help you to stay focused on what needs to get done. It’s also smart to avoid clothes that make it difficult to move!

15. Put together a lunch box

Packing your own food in advance will save time during busy mornings before work, school, or other obligations. This can really help with the stress too as you don’t have to worry about finding something on your lunch break!

16. Pack healthy snacks for work or school

Having a supply of nutritious food around will help keep hunger at bay and reduce cravings for unhealthy options. You might want to pack fruit, vegetables, nuts, granola bars or even some yogurt!

17. Plan your dinner for the day ahead

It’s also worth planning what you’ll be eating in advance of a long busy day, this will help reduce cravings and stress levels when it comes to food later on in the evening. This should include foods that are filling but healthy as well – think about things like green vegetables, eggs, chicken, or fish.

18. Make a morning playlist for work and school

Finding the right music to listen to can really help you get into your groove at the start of each day. You might want some calming tunes first thing in the morning or something upbeat that will make it easier to focus on getting things done!

19. Make a morning routine list

Creating your own to-do list will help you stay focused on what needs to get done and keep track of all the things that need doing. It’ll also make it easier when faced with difficult decisions about what should come first or which tasks are most important!

20. Get up earlier than normal for work, school, or other obligations

This can be tough at first, but you’ll soon get used to it and start feeling more energized. Getting an early night’s sleep is also something worth considering for how well you feel during the day!

21. Start your morning with a glass of water

Hydration before eating anything will help keep hunger at bay and reduce cravings for unhealthy options.

22. Eat breakfast within 20 minutes of waking up

If you eat when you wake up, your body will have a chance to burn off any excess sugar and fat from the night before! It’ll also help keep hunger at bay until lunchtime or dinner time. Breakfast can be as simple as toast with jam or a smoothie

23. Sit down and plan your day with a journal

Spending some time writing about what you want to get done and how you’ll go about it can be really helpful in the morning, as well as giving yourself something to reflect back on at the end of the day!

24. Start your mornings with a yoga routine

Yoga is an amazing way to get the body and mind ready for what lies ahead! It’s worth trying some of these simple mornings poses that can help with things like stress levels, sleep quality, and mood.

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25. Meditate in silence for five minutes before you have breakfast

Meditating will help your body release stress and tension from the day before. It will also help to improve your focus on things in the present moment, instead of worrying about what’s coming up later on!

26. Make your bed

This can also be a great way to start the day, as it’ll set you up for success and show that little bit of commitment!

27. Do a mini-housework routine in the morning

This should include things like folding laundry, tidying up around your room or bathroom, and other little chores that need doing before you have to leave for work!

28. Make a list of everything you want to get done each day

Creating your own to-do list will help you stay focused on what needs to get done and keep track of all the things that need doing. It’ll also make it easier when faced with difficult decisions about what should come first or which tasks are most important!

29. Plan your outfits for the day ahead and pack what you need

Having an idea of what to wear in advance will make things easier when it comes time to get ready, plus packing up everything you’ll need before bed means there’s less chance of forgetting anything! It can also be a good excuse to put away any clothes that need to be washed.

30. Get your books and things together for the day ahead

This will help you get a head start on any work or study that needs doing, as well as making sure you have everything packed for when it’s time to go out!

31. Give yourself plenty of time in the morning before leaving home

This will make it easier to get everything done and not feel rushed!

32. Leave for work or school with enough time to spare

Leaving in plenty of time means you’ll be less stressed about being late, plus if there’s a delay on the train or bus, you won’t have to worry as much because you’ll have more time!

33. Leave a note for your roommates or family members on what you need to do during the day

This is good if they’re not at home when you are, and can also be used as a reminder of any tasks that have been left undone so far in the day. This will help keep everyone organized and on the same page!

34. Keep a small notebook and pen in your bag for when inspiration strikes during the day

This is really helpful if you have an idea or need to write something down, but don’t want to take up precious space on phones with apps like Evernote. Plus it can be easier than typing things out on a phone!

35. Lock your external doors and windows before you leave the house in the morning to avoid intruders

This will help keep your home safe, as well as make sure you’re not letting any air conditioning or heat out unnecessarily while you’re away. It’s something we forget about all too often but it can really cost a lot of money in the long run!

36. Write down the things you’re grateful for in your life

This simple exercise can be a great way to start off the day and put everything into perspective! It’ll also remind us of all those little blessings, which are so easy to forget about when we’re busy working or going through tough times.

37. Put on your favorite music before starting work or school

This can be a great way to motivate yourself and start the day feeling positive! It’ll also make chores less boring, like doing dishes.

38. Do a positive visualization

This could include things like imagining your day going well and finishing the tasks you set out to do! It can be especially helpful if you’re feeling discouraged or have been putting off something that needs doing.

39. Read a motivational or inspirational quote before you start work or school

This can help set the tone of your day and give you the motivation to keep trying. It’ll also remind us that we’re not alone, which is another great way to get through tough days!

40. Pay attention to your breathing before you start work or school

While this sounds like it might be too simple, paying attention to our breath can help center us and focus on the things that are important in life. It’s a great way to take a few minutes out of the day for yourself when needed!

41. Sit down for five minutes before leaving the house in the morning

This will help you to feel more calm and ready for what’s ahead. It can also be a great way to take some time out of your day when needed!

42. Write down three things that are going well this week

When it feels like everything is falling apart, it’s easy to forget that not everything is bad! This will be a good reminder to focus on the positive, which can help us get through tough times.

43. Read your goals for the day and what you want to achieve before starting work or school

This will help get your mind focused on all that’s possible, rather than dwelling on things that are holding us back. It’ll also be a good way to start off the week feeling energized!

best morning habits

44. Do five minutes of mindfulness exercises before starting work or school

There are lots of different ways to do this, so you’ll have plenty to choose from. This is a really helpful way to take care of yourself and get your mind focused on what’s important in life!

45. Make a list of what you need to do before leaving the house in the morning

This will be helpful for when we’re running late and can’t figure out where our keys are! It’ll also help take some pressure off of us as it’s easier to check items off rather than constantly worrying about forgetting something.

46. Take care of something that’s been bothering you before starting work or school

This will help take our minds off the issue and leave us feeling less stressed. It’ll also be helpful for getting things out in the open, so they don’t weigh on our hearts any longer!

47. Write down three positive thoughts before starting work or school

This will help get your mind thinking in a positive way, which will make it easier to keep going. It can also be helpful for when we’re feeling down and need some encouragement!

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48. Write down three changes that would make today better

When we’re feeling discouraged about things, it can be hard to see the silver lining. But if we start looking for ways to change things instead of just dwelling on how they are now, then maybe there’s some hope!

49. Write down three people who have made a difference in your life and tell them so

This is something that will always make us feel better! It can be a great way to remind ourselves that we’re not alone, which is another important thing when it feels like everything’s going wrong.

50. Read your favorite book before starting work or school

This will help get our minds in the right place for success and motivation! If you don’t have time to read, then this can also be done in the evening before going to bed.

51. Say hello to everyone you pass on the way to work or school

This will help us feel more connected and less isolated in our day. It can also be a good way to get the conversation going with someone we don’t know!

52. Give yourself a compliment before starting work or school

This will feel amazing and confident. Look in the mirror and compliment yourself! You deserve it.

53. Give yourself permission to leave work or school early if you need to

It might seem scary at first, but this will help take some of the pressure off. It’ll also be a great way to feel like we’re in control again!

54. List three things you appreciate about yourself

This will help us start feeling more confident and put our best selves forward when it feels like everything is falling apart. This can also be helpful for reminding ourselves that there’s more to us than just our failures!

55. Create a goal board

This can help us break down big goals and have the motivation to keep going. It’ll also be a good way to remind ourselves of all that’s possible!

56. Write down three books you would like to read over the next six months

It can be helpful when we’re feeling unmotivated and in need of inspiration. And it can also help us get excited about the day ahead!

57. Think about what you want to be remembered for

This can help us make smarter decisions and focus on the things that are really important in life. It’ll also remind us of our values, which is another great way to motivate ourselves!

58. Write three reasons why your work or school day will be successful

This is a great way to get our minds thinking positively before starting work or school. It’ll also help motivate us when we’re feeling down!

59. Write three things you want to remember about today, if nothing else

We might not have time for anything more than this in the morning, but it will be helpful to stop and reflect every once in a while. It’ll help us feel more grateful for the day and all that it has to offer!

60. Write three things you want to do when you get home

This can be a great way to end our day on a high note and have something fun planned for once we’re done with work or school. It’ll also help us feel less anxious about the time before bed, which is always helpful!

61. Write three reasons why you’re grateful for your work or school day

This will help us feel more positive and see the good in our days. It’s also a great way to start with gratitude instead of dwelling on what could have been!

62. Ask for help

This might feel scary at first, but it will be really helpful in the long run. It’ll remind us that we’re not alone and can provide a great opportunity to build connections!

63. Investigate morning habits of people you admire

If our morning routine isn’t working well right now, then this is a great way to see what morning routines work well for others. It’ll also be a good reminder of how much there is to learn from other people!

64. Watch morning routines on YouTube

This is a great way to see what other people do and get some inspiration of our own. It’ll also be a good reminder that morning habits really can work for anyone!

65. Find morning rituals that work for you

This can be a great way to ensure we’re doing things that are actually helpful and not just habits that feel good. It’ll also remind us of the importance of making our own morning routine!

66. Make morning habits a game

This will help us stay motivated and find the routine we really want to start. It’ll also be a good way to get morning routines started in the first place!

67. Track your energy levels with an app on your phone or tablet

It can be helpful when it feels like our morning habit isn’t working. It’ll also remind us of how we’re feeling throughout the morning, which is really important for figuring out what’s best!

68. Keep a morning routine journal

This will be helpful when it feels like things aren’t going well and need to see if there are any patterns in our habits that we haven’t noticed before. It’ll also be a good way to plan for the morning ahead!

69. Listen to your favorite podcast

This can be a great way to get the morning started with our favorite podcast and feel more energized. It’ll also remind us of all the things that are possible!

70. Listen to morning motivational songs

This can be a great way to get our morning started with some inspiration. It’ll also remind us of all the things that are possible!

71. Make morning a time to be productive

This will help us feel less disoriented in the morning and get more done. It’ll also remind us those mornings are valuable, which is always good!

72. Practice positive self-affirmations

This can be a great way to remind ourselves of what we’re capable of and get the morning started on the right foot. It’ll also help us feel good about our morning!

73. Brew yourself a fresh cup of coffee or tea

This can be a great morning habit that will give us some energy and provide an easy way to feel more awake. It’ll also remind us of how much we love coffee!

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74. Do something nice for yourself

This can be a great morning habit that’ll remind us of how much we love to do something nice for ourselves. We deserve it, after all!

75. Brush your teeth

This morning habit will help us feel ready to take on the day! It’ll also remind us of how important it is to strive for good oral hygiene.

76. Exercise in the morning

This can be a great way to get some exercise and increase our energy levels, which we really need at this time of morning! It’ll also remind us of how important morning exercise is.

77. Eat something healthy

This morning habit will help us feel energized and ready to take on the day. It’ll also remind us of how important it is to strive for good nutrition!

78. Have morning coffee with a friend

This can be a great way to connect with others and catch up with people we haven’t seen in a while.

79. Take care of our mental health by doing something creative in the morning

Doing something creative will help us feel more creative and less stressed out in the morning. It’ll also remind us that morning is an excellent time for creativity!

80. Listen to a podcast about morning habits or morning routines

This morning habit will help us feel good about our morning routine, as well as give new ideas for things to try out in the future. It’ll also be helpful for morning routines we’re already trying out!

81.Practice self-reflection

Doing this morning habit will help us feel good about who we are. It’ll also remind us of how important it is to feel confident in ourselves and our decisions!

82. Remind yourself that you are loved

This morning habit will help us feel loved and supported. It’ll also remind us of how important it is to be reminded that we are loved!

83. Water your plants

This morning habit will help us take care of ourselves and our home. It’ll also remind us how important it is to have a clean living space!

84. Set the alarm for 30 minutes earlier than usual

This morning habit can be helpful when we want more time in the morning, but don’t want to go through with an entire morning routine. It’ll also remind us of how important morning time is!

85. Have a morning date with yourself

Have you ever had a date with yourself? Mornings are the perfect time to do so, without distractions!

86. Plan morning activities with your partner or friends

This morning habit will help us feel motivated and get the morning started on the right foot! It’ll also remind us that we have so many people in our lives, which is always good!

87. Treat yourself to a little self-care morning ritual

This morning habit will help us feel good and get the morning started on the right foot! It’ll also remind us of how important self-care is.

88. Write a letter to your future self

Write to your future self and discover where and who you want to be in 5 years.

89. Write a letter to someone who’s less fortunate than you are

Doing this morning habit can be helpful when we’re feeling down in the morning. It’ll also remind us that we have so many people who are trying to make their lives better than they were before!

89. Write a letter to someone you love

Write a morning letter to someone you love and tell them how much they mean to you. It’ll also remind us of all the people in our lives who make it worth getting up every morning!

90. Write a list of things that make you happy

This morning habit will help us feel good about ourselves, get motivated, and be grateful for what we have. It’ll also remind us of how important morning lists are!

91. Write a list of things that make you feel good about yourself

This morning habit will help us feel confident about ourselves, get motivated, and stay happy throughout the day. It’ll also highlight all the reasons why we’re worth morning time!

92. Open your windows and let the sunlight in

This morning habit will help us feel better and get you started on the right foot! It’ll also remind us of how important it is to be around natural light.

93. Give your partner or family a big hug

This morning habit will help us feel loved and spend more time with our partners or family. It’ll also remind us of how important it is to show love for others!

94. Play with your pet

Your pet is going to be happy to see you and morning time will help us feel happier about the day ahead. It’ll also remind us how important it is for pets!

95. Spend some extra time cuddling with your partner

This morning habit can be helpful when we need a little more support in our morning routine. Doing this before bedtime would also be helpful. It’ll also remind us of how important being held is!

96. Ask for morning help from your partner or family

This morning habit will remind us of how important it is to ask for morning help. It’ll also be helpful when we want more time in the morning but don’t have enough energy!

97.Think about three ways you can make others smile today

This morning habit will help us feel good about ourselves, get motivated, and make our lives better. It’ll also remind us of how important it is to smile!

98. Watch TV shows that you love or listen to morning radio stations

This morning habit will give us a little more motivation in the morning. We can also watch morning TV shows or listen to morning radio stations when we have less time in the morning.

99. Do a mental health check in the morning

This is a good way to remind ourselves of how important it is to check in with ourselves and how to take on the day.

100. Take 5 deep breaths before beginning your daily routine

This habit will help us feel calmer and ready to take on the day. It’ll also remind us of how important breathing is to our morning routine!

Final Thoughts

This list with 100 things that will make our mornings more productive and energized, rather than dwelling on how we’re feeling or what might be happening. It’s a great way to start off the week feeling more prepared and in control!