15 Simple Ways to Figure Out Who You Really Are

Do you feel like you don’t know who you are? Are your friends and family telling you to figure it out, but how do I even start?

You’re not alone. Many people find themselves in the same boat as they grow up and enter adulthood. This blog post will give you 15 simple ways that may help with figuring out who you really are.

1. Write a letter to yourself

This is a classic way of figuring out how you feel on the inside. Take some time and write down how you are feeling right now. What do you want from life? Why do you think this happened to me? Is there anything that’s bugging you at work or in your personal life? Write it all here.

2. Find out how you can help others

Doing good things for other people is a way to give back and make yourself happy at the same time. It’s also a great way to find more about who you are while helping those in need. By focusing on how we’re able to help, it allows us an opportunity to see how we might be able to help others too.

3. Take a personality test

If you’re not sure how to get started, taking a simple online quiz can be helpful. There are many different ones out there and it doesn’t matter which one you take – they all have the same goal: to give you an idea of how your brain works so that we can better help ourselves understand who we really are.

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4. Write your autobiography

Look how far you’ve come. Writing about how you came to be who you are today is a great way to take time and think more deeply about what matters most in life. You’ll find yourself realizing how much of an impact we have on others by the decisions that we make every day, even if it’s something as simple as how we act.

How do you want to be remembered? What did I accomplish in my life? This will help us understand how it is that our lives matter and how they can make a change for the world around them.

5. Take a day off

It’s important to take time out of our busy schedules and lives for self-care. Take some time out by yourself, or plan a date with your spouse, friend, or family member – just make it something that makes you feel loved and happy!

If you haven’t done something new for a while, how about going on an adventure and trying something that scares or excites us? Our personal growth is important in how we understand ourselves better.

6. Take a long walk

Take some time out of your day to go and take a nice, long stroll. Pay attention to how the world looks around you – how are things changing?

What about how people act when they’re walking their dog or going for a jog? You may find yourself noticing more than just what’s in front of you.

7. Write a letter to someone you admire

Take some time out of your day and write how you feel about the things that they do. You can look up how their life story started, or what they’ve accomplished so far in theirs lives. Inspire yourself by reading more about how they are living richly – not just surviving but thriving!

This is how we can find out how to be the best version of ourselves.

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how to figure out who you are

8. Learn how to have difficult conversations

We all know how hard it can be sometimes, but the more we practice having tough and uncomfortable discussions, the better our relationships will become. We may find ourselves feeling more relaxed when we’re talking with others about things that matter most in life – even if just for a moment!

It’s important to take time out of our day and really think about how we can find more ways to have a deep conversation.

Sometimes this might mean talking with somebody who is different from us – someone that may challenge how we view the world or how we see ourselves as a person.

9. Spend a little time on your own

It’s so important to take some time out of our day and sit with how we’re feeling – both good and bad.

It might be helpful for you to write down what happens when you go an hour without talking or looking at any kind of screen, whether it be TV, the computer, or your phone. You may be surprised how thoughts and ideas start coming to the surface when you’re not distracted.

This will help us understand how we are able to spend time learning about ourselves again – just taking in how it feels to think without being influenced by others or any kind of media that is showing on our screens.

10. Take a moment to think about how you want your life story to read

You have the power and ability to control how your tale unfolds. What will it say? How do you want others to remember how you lived, or how they met their end?

This goes back into what we were saying earlier – how can our lives matter for something bigger than ourselves?

11. Write a letter of how you want your life story to end

How do we want our lives to matter like the one reading this letter? By what legacy will we be remembered by?

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Inspire others with how it is that they can live their best life, too – not just for yourself but also for those who are still in the midst of their journey.

12. Reflect on how you want your life story to be

What will it say? How do you want others to remember how you lived, or how they met their end? What legacy will we leave behind for those who are still in the midst of their journey?

Spending time with tough conversations and difficult talks can help us learn more about how our lives matter.

13. Figure out how to be the best version of yourself

Reflect on how you can be the best version of yourself. What are your positive attitubutes? What are your negative ones? How can you better yourself day after day?

14. Have meaningful conversations

We all know how hard it can be sometimes, but by how we live day-to-day and how we are able to have difficult conversations with others who may challenge us in life or those that disagree on certain topics.

How can our lives matter for something bigger than ourselves? It might also help you think about how to be the best version of yourself.

15. Take some time to self-reflect

How will you know how to improve and change if we don’t take some time with how we’re feeling and how it is that matters in our life?

This might include taking a little time out of your day and sitting with what’s going on inside. You may find thoughts or ideas start coming up when you’re not distracted by the outside world.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’ve been struggling with identity for years or have just begun to wonder, there are many ways to get a better sense of who you really are. Try some of these tips and see which works best for your unique personality.