11 Secrets to Unlock the Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is an elusive quality that few people possess. It can be difficult to find the motivation, and even more challenging to put in the hard work necessary for success.

But it’s not impossible—in fact, there are many ways to develop this vital skill. In this blog post, we will explore 10 strategies that anyone can use to become self-disciplined and achieve their goals!

1.Identify what your triggers are that cause self-discipline problems.

For example, if you have a problem being lazy and passing up on an exercise routine because you don’t feel like doing it, then identify what the cues are that tempt you to put off exercising: feeling tired or hungry after work.

Then create a plan for these triggers by setting out your workout clothes at home so they’re ready when you get back, or making a plan to eat something healthy for dinner before your workout.

Self-discipline is hard to do on your own and will be easier when you have self-awareness of what causes it to break down.

2. Set smaller, measurable goals.

Setting smaller, measurable goals will help you to stay focused on the task at hand and give you a goal to work towards.

Smaller goals also help you feel accomplished when you achieve them without feeling overwhelmed by your larger goal!

This is because with the first scenario there are 52 opportunities—one day at a time or up to four weeks—to derail your goal. With the second scenario, there are only four opportunities to derail your progress.

In order for a goal to be achievable, it needs to be manageable and not too overwhelming. If you have no idea where to start with self-discipline or what goals may work best for you, try setting some SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound).

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3. Reward yourself with a small, indulgent treat when you accomplish your goal.

It’s important to keep in mind that goals will be easier if it comes with the reward of something nice afterward.

This will help prevent the setback of derailing your entire progress.

4. Practice self-care.

Self-discipline is most effective when it’s combined with a healthy lifestyle—it means that you’re taking care of your mental, emotional and physical needs so you have the energy to put in work every day.

This could include making time for meditation or regular exercise, finishing tasks before bedtime each night instead of staying up to watch TV, or setting aside time each day for self-reflection and introspection.

5. Change your environment.

It’s hard to stick with something when the circumstances that are surrounding you aren’t conducive to it.

If friends and family keep asking you why you’re not doing something or if there is a constant temptation that tends to derail you, then these external factors may be breaking down your willpower more than anything else.

6. Create a plan for when you fail.

Having a backup plan in place will make it easier to return to the task at hand, instead of getting discouraged and giving up altogether.

You may want to set up an accountability partner, or even hire someone who will do it for you if the task is too much of a challenge.

This can help keep your motivation going and make sure that self-discipline doesn’t break down entirely!

being self-disciplined

7. Set boundaries for yourself.

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You’ll find that it’s much easier to strive for self-discipline when you’re not spreading yourself too thin by trying to do everything at once. This means setting boundaries and being realistic with what your goals are, so you can focus on one area of life instead of juggling all aspects simultaneously.

It also helps if there is someone else in your life to help you set these boundaries and keep hold of them.

8. Get rid of unnecessary distractions.

It’s hard to focus on the task at hand when there are distractions all around.

When you notice this happening, take a deep breath and find another place where you can work or be productive while keeping your phone away from sight.

This may mean turning off notifications for social media apps during certain hours of the day or placing your phone into do not disturb mode when you’re working.

You can also try to keep distractions out of your office by making sure that there are no TVs in sight, keeping a tidy and organized space free from clutter, and trying to avoid excess noise if possible.

Self-discipline is hard to do on your own and will be more difficult if your environment is not conducive to it.

9. Learn about the power of positive thinking.

It can be hard to think positively when you’re surrounded by negativity.

But if you want your self-discipline to work, it’s important that this is something you do on a consistent basis and practice in all aspects of your life.

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This means focusing on the positive things happening around you—even small victories like successfully completing a task—and trying to be grateful for the things you have.

Be sure to also ask yourself what your goals are so that you can try and find ways of improving on them, or come up with new ones all together if they’re not working as well as anticipated.

10. Be consistent in your journey

To maintain self-discipline, it’s important to practice it on a more consistent basis. This is something you’ll need to work hard at because these habits don’t form overnight.

It may take weeks or even months before you’re able to stick with one routine, but it will be worth the effort! Self-discipline isn’t easy and takes time to master.

11. Learn how to delay gratification.

It can be difficult to resist the temptation of instant gratification, especially when you’re feeling frustrated about something and want a quick fix.

The key here is that it’s easier said than done because humans are wired to go for what we think will make us feel better in the short term instead of focusing on long-term goals.

To combat this, try and take a step back from the situation you’re in; this will help clear your head and give you time to think about what’s going on.

Final Thoughts

Self-discipline is not a skill that can be developed overnight; it takes constant effort over many months before you will start to see results. But with the right tools-like, these eleven strategies-you’ll be able to make progress in your journey.