11 Ways to Shake the Fear Of Being Judged

The fear of being judged can be debilitating, making it hard to do anything that is outside your comfort zone. However, fear of judgment should not stop you from living life to the fullest – here are 11 ways to shake the fear of being judged!

1. Be Yourself

Don’t let fear of being judged stop you from exploring your potential and trying things out. Be who you are – don’t try to be someone else just because they’re popular, pretty, or successful.

It’s ok if others don’t like it or understand it! Your authenticity is the most important thing in the world and everyone deserves somebody who is authentic.

2. Remember that people are more interested in themselves than they are in you

When you’re afraid of judgment, fear can make it seem like everyone is judging and watching everything you do.

In reality, people are more invested in themselves than they are with what’s going on around them – so don’t let your fear of being judged stop you from living life to the fullest!

3. Realize that everyone is going through their own problems and not paying attention to yours.

If fear of judgment is making you worry about what other people are thinking, remember that they’re going through their own challenges and probably aren’t paying much attention to yours.

You can get a lot more accomplished if you don’t fear being judged because when we fear judgment the world seems like it’s against us!

4. Allow yourself to be vulnerable

The fear of being judged can make it seem like we need to be perfect all the time and never share anything that might not portray us as “normal.”

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However, this fear is keeping you from reaching your full potential. The more vulnerable you allow yourself to be, the more opportunities for growth are available.

It’s ok if others don’t like it or understand it. Your authenticity is the most important thing in the world and everyone deserves somebody who is authentic.

5. Focus on your strengths and forget about the weaknesses 

The fear of being judged often makes us focus on and dwell in our weaknesses. However, when we do this all the time it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy – giving more weight to fear’s power over your life.

Focus on what you’re good at instead! Even if you don’t feel like that thing is “enough” right now, you can use your strengths to create what’s missing.

The fear of being judged has the power to stop us from living life – but it doesn’t have that power when we are brave enough to be vulnerable and authentic! The fear of judgment should not keep you from exploring your potential or trying new things out.

shake the fear of being judged

6. Know when to be assertive or passive in a given situation 

Be assertive when you need to stand up for yourself. Sometimes the fear of being judged can make us be too passive and shy away from things that we want or need, so it’s important to know the difference in a given situation.

Being more assertive will help you shake the fear of judgment because it takes back your personal power.

The fear of being judged can have a paralyzing effect on fear – and shake this fear up by being more assertive in your actions.

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7. Don’t take things personally 

When fear of judgment is causing stress, it can lead to taking things personally. However, this will only make the fear worse – as fear tends to be self-fulfilling.

By not taking things personally, you are able to see things more clearly and fear of judgment is less likely to hold you back.

8. Be confident in who you are and what you stand for

Fear will only get worse if you don’t find strength in who you are and what you stand for – so remember that it’s ok not to be perfect!

We often fear judgment because we believe that others have more power than us – but fear of judgment has no power when you are confident in who you are and what you stand for.

This fear can come from feeling like your worth is based on other people’s opinions – but it doesn’t have to be this way, confidence is the key and standing firm in your beliefs helps to guide your confidence.

It really shows when someone is not confident about themselves because fear will stop them from speaking up for themselves.

9. Be honest with yourself about your feelings and thoughts, then move on and don’t dwell on them 

When you don’t stay true to yourself, fear will only worsen if we don’t address it. By being honest with yourself about your feelings and thoughts, you’re able to move on without dwelling on them.

You are able to live a more honest life in general, as fear will not be able to hold on for long if you are honest with fear.

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Acknowledge your feelings and thoughts, come to terms with them, and allow yourself to move past them with peace of mind.

10. Take a deep breath and release fear as you exhale

This fear can wreak havoc on your health and wellbeing if it’s not addressed. Taking a deep breath in while releasing fear as you exhale will help to shake up the fear of being judged for good!

It’s also important to have balance in order to be able to take care of yourself when fear is at its highest.

11. Find a good support system

The fear of being judged can be a lonely fear because it’s often hard to talk about fear for fear of judgment.

However, it is important to find support when you have fear so that you don’t feel like you’re going through this alone. Sharing your story with people who understand and empathize will help take some weight off fear.

Finding a good support system may take some time and effort, but it’s one of the most important steps to shaking up fear in your life once and for all.

Final Thoughts

 If you find yourself feeling uneasy or anxious because of a fear of being judged, try these 11 strategies. You may be surprised by how simple and effective they can be!

And remember – if someone does judge you unfairly, just do your best to ignore it. It’s not worth letting their opinion affect your mood for the day.

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