What is a Platonic Relationship? 10 Characteristics of One

Platonic relationships are built on communication, trust, and respect, not romantic feelings or sexual attraction, so they don’t fit into the traditional dating categories of friends with benefits or casual sex.

However, they can be very rewarding in their own right, they give you a chance to build deeper connections with your friends by getting to know one another more intimately than you would if you were just hanging out casually.

Read on to learn more about the characteristics of platonic relationships, so you can start building one yourself.

1) They Are Non-Romantic

Being friends or in a platonic relationship with someone doesn’t have to be devoid of romance. Just because you aren’t having romantic interactions with each other doesn’t mean that both parties can’t acknowledge that they have feelings for one another.

They don’t necessarily have to act on those feelings, but they can still feel and express them. For example, if your friend was going through a breakup, you could let him or her know that you care and want to offer support, even if it isn’t an intimate kind of support.

2) They Enjoy Spending Time Together

The number one characteristic is that you enjoy spending time together, regardless of what you’re doing.

While it’s not necessary to hang out every weekend or even every month, your friendship should be something you look forward to and cherish.

You don’t have to spend hours on end together, but you do have to make time for each other—even if it’s just grabbing lunch or grabbing a beer. It’s all about prioritizing each other in your life.

3) You Share Similar Interests

When you have commonalities with your friends, it’s easier to relate to them. Maybe you both enjoy reading or love eating sushi together. Some things aren’t essential, but they can be pleasant bonuses.

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That said, if there are points where your interests diverge (such as strong political views), that’s okay too—your friendship just won’t be as tight-knit. It’s important not to expect too much from people; friendships come and go naturally.

If you’re in a platonic relationship with someone you used to have great chemistry with, remember that your feelings could have changed over time and that there isn’t anything wrong with that! A platonic friendship can still feel significant because of all its shared experiences.

4) You Trust Each Other

The one characteristic that stands out above all others in platonic relationships is trust.

Even if you’re new to each other, or it’s been a while since you’ve seen each other, at some point in your conversation there will be an unspoken agreement between you that your relationship won’t go beyond what it already has.

Trusting each other sets boundaries on what’s said and done in front of others and gives both parties more comfortability when together. If that ever changes, so should your relationship.

5) They Are No Strings Attached

Contrary to popular belief, platonic relationships aren’t all about sex. In fact, they’re even more profound than that.

Often, people mistake platonic relationships for being easy, with no risk and minimal reward – but nothing could be further from the truth. It takes a strong person to have a truly meaningful relationship with another person without letting any physical contact get in between them.

The rewards of such friendships are huge because they mean that you can share things you might not tell anyone else with your friend (or friends) because there’s no fear of rejection or getting dumped later on down the line due to lack of attraction or affection.

6) Knowing When To Call It Quits

If you’re in love with being single, don’t worry about finding a romantic partner. If you know it’s not for you and you don’t want one, just stay single. If you want to find romance, but don’t want to be in an exclusive relationship if it doesn’t work out, that’s totally fine too.

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If. on the other hand, dating has gone as far as it can go without some kind of commitment, then give serious thought to calling things off with that person and either staying single or looking for someone new.

7) Nothing Takes the Place of Open Communication

Friendships need maintenance, just like any other relationship. Be sure to schedule regular check-ins where you can talk about any changes in your lives and how they are affecting your friendship. It’s also important to be open about what you want in a relationship.

Some friendships naturally develop into romantic relationships but don’t assume that yours will—be upfront with each other about what you want from one another and where you both stand. And remember, it’s not your job to fix things—you have enough on your plate!

You can choose to stay friends with someone even if he or she has become more romantic than platonic, but it’s up to both of you. And that’s OK.

8) Work Well With Others (Synergistic Relationships)

Synergy is when two things are done together that separately would not be as effective, or not effective at all.

For example, I can grow sunflowers by myself. But if I plant them next to watermelons, they both grow much faster and larger than either one would on its own. When two or more people work together effectively in business or social environments, it’s also referred to as synergy.

If you want positive relationships with your coworkers and friends alike, think about how to increase your inter-relational synergistic effectiveness (IRE).

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9) You Share Mutual Respect

A platonic relationship should also be based on mutual respect. For example, if you have an issue with your friend’s behavior, it may be best to discuss it before taking action. If you go behind his back and complain about him to others, your friendship will suffer as a result.

Remember that actions such as these are often what end relationships between friends in real life.

A good rule to follow is: if something bothers you about your friend, speak up! If he isn’t open to changes or refuses to address them, then it might not be appropriate for you two to continue as friends.

10) You’d Like to Continue The Friendship For Life

One characteristic that separates platonic relationships from romantic ones is that platonic friendships often continue for years, decades, or even lifetimes.

Whereas romance usually lasts only until someone gets bored or unsatisfied with their partner, platonic friendships can evolve to include new friends and extended family members.

One reason why platonic relationships are so significant is that they help us feel more connected to one another. They assist in the creation of a sense of continuity and belonging in our lives.

Final Note

A platonic relationship is a close, non-romantic friendship between two people. These relationships are built on trust, mutual respect, and common interests.

Although platonic friendships are less common than romantic ones, they can be just as strong and lasting. If you’re looking for a platonic relationship, look for someone with whom you can share your interests and feelings openly.

Be sure to communicate your expectations and boundaries clearly to avoid any confusion or hurt feelings. And most importantly, enjoy your time with your new friend!