Do you know your worth? When we don’t understand our own value, we can often find ourselves settling for less than what we deserve.
But knowing your worth is so important if you want to live a life of abundance. Here are 50 things that happen when you know your worth!
What It Means to Know Your Worth
What are you worth? When you know your real value, it’s easier to speak up for yourself. It helps when asking for a raise or promotion in the workplace and standing up for what is right even when others around don’t agree with you. Knowing your true worth takes courage but makes all of life’s decisions much clearer.
What’s difficult is when we don’t know our own value and compare ourselves to others. When we’re constantly looking outside of ourselves for validation, it causes us to doubt what we have to offer the world.
If you want to change your life for the better, start by practicing self-love. Love who you are unconditionally and it will help influence all of your relationships in a positive way.
Here’s what happens when you know your worth:

50 Things That Happen When You Know Your Worth
1. You don’t put up with people who just want to use you.
2. You give yourself the respect you deserve.
3. You understand that your body is a temple and treat it like one.
4. You know when to say “no”.
5. You don’t feel the need to compare yourself to other people.
6. You attract high quality friends who want you to succeed and be happy, not just hang around for their own comfort.
7. You know that it’s OK to express your feelings because no one is perfect all of the time.
8. You aren’t afraid to let your vulnerability show.
9. You don’t feel like a victim anymore and know that everything in your life is there to serve you, not the other way around.
10. Your joy overflows into every area of your life.
11. You attract the right people who want to lift you up in life.
12. Your relationships are healthy and fulfilling because both sides feel appreciated.
13. You aren’t afraid of change.
14. You are willing to forgive yourself for past mistakes because everyone makes them.
15. You know that nothing has power over you unless you give it power, so the only thing in your life with any control is how you choose to think and feel about things.
16. You don’t settle for less than what you want or need from people.
17. You don’t take things personally because you know that everyone is fighting their own battles in life and might not always be thinking about you.
18. Your self-talk has more positive than negative words.
19. You recognize your worthiness of the good stuff in life, so you work hard to get what you want out of life.
20. You trust yourself to make the right decisions for yourself and you believe in your own ability to figure things out on your own.
21. Your self-confidence is sky-high because you know that it’s all about what’s going on inside, not outside.
22. You don’t need anyone else to make you happy.
23. You know how powerful your thoughts and words are, so you choose them wisely.
24. Your strength comes from within and nothing can break it
25. You know that success is a journey; we all have greatness inside of us!
26. You know that you are worthy of all the good stuff in life, and nothing is going to hold you back from getting it.
27. You believe in yourself because when you don’t love yourself first, no one else will either.
28. Your relationships with others grow stronger every day because they see how much your value who YOU are.
29. You know that the only person who can make you happy is YOU, so you take responsibility for your own happiness and let go of other people’s responsibilities to do it for you.
30. When hard times hit, instead of getting down on yourself, you remind yourself how strong you are and keep going.
31. You have more confidence than ever before.
32. You don’t allow other people to control your emotions.
33. Your relationships are healthy because you know how precious life is and choose not to waste it by being around negative people.
34. You never settle for less than what makes your heart sing, so you always attract the best into your life.
35. You don’t have time for people who just want to drain your energy and laugh at you behind your back because you’re too busy living a life of gratitude and abundance.
36. You know that everyone makes mistakes, but it’s what we learn from them that matters most.
37. You take full responsibility for your past because it’s the only way to move forward.
38. You don’t settle, so you never have to worry about waking up one day and regretting all of the things that you could’ve done but didn’t.
39. Your self-confidence is through the roof because nothing can bring you down unless YOU allow it to.
40. Every day you wake up, you are excited about life and all of its possibilities.
41. You know that when your focus is on YOU, then everything in your life will fall into place because it’s just meant to be.
42. Your relationships reflect the love inside of you because people see how beautiful you truly are.
43. You know that the only person who can make a change in your life is YOU, so you don’t wait for someone else to come along and do it for you.
44. Your relationships with others grow stronger every day because they see how much your value who YOU are.
45. You don’t settle for less than what you want or need from people.
46. Your thoughts and words are powerful, so you choose them wisely.
47. When hard times hit, instead of getting down on yourself, you remind yourself how strong YOU are and keep going.
48. You recognize your worthiness of the good stuff in life, so you work hard to get what YOU want out of life.
49. Your self-talk has more positive words than negative words.
50. Your relationships are healthy because you know how precious life is and choose not to waste it by being around negative people.
Final Thoughts
Stop waiting for external validation. You are worth it and you deserve to know that every day of your life.
Start right now, with this minute and the next one, by taking a deep breath and giving yourself permission to be the best version of yourself possible.
It’s time we all stop letting our fear dictate how we live our lives – so let’s do something about it today!