How to Practice Minimalism: 10 Steps for Beginners

We live in a culture that romanticizes more than less, which is why it’s so easy to keep buying things we barely need. We’re always looking to purchase the next big thing – that shoes you want, that next gadget trend, that next equipment.

We’re always splurging on things and while this is considered normal. living a minimalistic life is much better. It’s actually having less that’s more because it makes you value the things you need, rather than what you want. In this article, we’ll be talking about everything you need to know on how to practice minimalism.

How To Practice Minimalism: 10 Steps For Beginners

#1 Practice saying no

Saying no doesn’t just apply to others, but yourself as well. It’s easy to treat yourself with the things you want regularly, especially when you think you deserve it. You shouldn’t feel bad about saying no to the things you don’t need for the moment but focus on having discipline and self-control.

This also means saying no to people that invite you to events and engagements that take you away from your main priorities. This way, you’ll have more energy, time, and even money on things and people you need.

#2 Give away what you no longer need

With all the things that you’ve hoarded that you don’t need anymore, find a way to either donate or sell them to others. This way, you’ll give away your belongings to others that genuinely need them more than you do. This is also a way to get rid of all the things you’ve hoarded in your home.

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Donating is a selfless way to give to others as they’ll appreciate everything you’ll be giving away. Minimalism is based on the idea of eliminating clutter, so this precisely what you need to incorporate.

#3 Save an emergency fund

Having an emergency fund is the best way you can resist spending your money on anything else. This also acts as a safety net for your future finances as you have something in case something bad happens to you.

Instead of using your money to spend on the latest fashion and gadget trends, invest your money in an emergency fund. This way, you’re actively practicing minimalism.

#4 Simplify your spending

When you simplify spendings, you effectively budget in a way that prevents you from spending unnecessarily. You don’t always have to spend your money on things you want, but it’s best to spend it on what you need for the week such as food, bills, and other necessities.

By doing this, you’re practicing more by having less through the very principle of minimalism. You may not spend on a lot, you spend on what you need – and that’s more than enough.

#5 Declutter your home

If you’re focused on living a minimalistic life, start by decluttering your home and setting aside the things you don’t need. If you have several clothes, shoes, bags, gadgets, or furniture you don’t need, set this aside.

Minimalism starts from your home and when you see all the space in your home, you have more for the things you need. You’ll find yourself being able to breathe better when you have a minimalistic home.

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#6 Set rules

Minimalism doesn’t look the same for everyone – it could be having fewer belongings, fewer experiences, fewer relationships.

It depends entirely up to you what you perceive minimalism as. By setting rules, it will help you identify what certain adjustments you need to make in your life to incorporate minimalism.

#7 Start fresh

No matter what anybody else says, you shouldn’t be afraid to start fresh, especially when there are things and people in your life holding you back from your best potential.

Sometimes, starting fresh is the only way to live a minimalistic and simple life, away from the consumerist lifestyle we’ve been so used to.

#8 Use it or lose it

When determining which of your belongings you should lose, decide if you’ll use it and if not, it’s best to donate it, sell it, and give it away to a family member or friend.

If you have no intentions of using it anymore, it’s best to give it to someone who’ll use it more than you do.

#9 Organize by category

If you’re having a difficult time organizing your home into something more minimalistic, organizing will be your best friend. Organize your belongs into categories and this will save you so much time. If you have shoes, nothing else should be in that category and the same goes for your other belongings.

#10 Ask the hard questions

There’s nothing easy about getting rid of things you’ve one wanted, but you need to ask yourself if it’s something you truly need or want. If it’s not helping you grow, then you need to let it go.

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The Art of Practicing Minimalism

Minimalism is an art more than anything else in the world. It’s all about having so much more space, energy, and time when you let go of the wrong things in your life. While minimalism can seem difficult at first, especially when you’re used to buying all the things you want, you’ll learn to value the significant things in your life.

Minimalism makes you realize that you don’t need unnecessary clutter in your life if it’s holding you back from growth. When you let go of the clutter, you’ll have more peace and calmness in your life. A lot of people who incorporate minimalism in their lives don’t go back to their consumerist lifestyle.

Final Thoughts

I hope this article was able to help you gain insight into how to practice minimalism. It’s so easy to surround yourself with all the things you want to make you feel better.

However, minimalism promotes peace and calmness like never before. You have more space and time for the things that actually matter and you won’t feel as drained. It fills your life with purpose and meaning than ever before as you clean your life entirely