The Gift-Giving Guide for Minimalists

minimalist gift giving

The holidays are just around the corner and gift-giving season is upon us. If you have dedicated yourself to a more minimalist lifestyle, then you might be wondering how to approach giving gifts to others and how intentional you want to be about it. Since you’re already trying to live with less stuff, it’s possible … Read more

What Do You Need Right Now in Life?

what do you need in life

What do you need right now? It’s a simple question that could spark a world of thought. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what it is that you really need at that moment? I found myself asking this exact question one morning. I was sitting down with a cup of coffee I found myself … Read more

17 Reasons Why Less is More

less is more

We live in a world that is driven by CONSUMERISM, where the message is always needing more and never having enough. We are constantly bombarded with advertisements informing us that we need to eat more, shop more, and indulge more. I moved to Spain 3 years ago, and whenever I return to the United States … Read more

The Top 17 Apps for Minimalists

apps for minimalists

Are you looking for ways to simplify your life? Then I have good news- there’s an app for that. In fact, there are several minimalist apps that can help guide you towards living more minimally and help you to simplify your life. As a minimalist myself, I am always searching for new ways to declutter, … Read more

Create a Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe (In 5 Easy Steps!)

minimalist capsule wardrobe

If you are ready to jump-start your path towards minimal living, learning how to build a minimalist capsule wardrobe could be a PERFECT way to begin letting go of things that simply don’t serve you anymore and take up too much of your time. Nowadays, we live in the world of fast fashion, where it’s … Read more

What is Digital Minimalism? A Guide for Beginners

digital minimalism

It comes at no surprise that the concept of digital minimalism was born, given that it’s natural to find ourselves mindlessly scrolling through our digital devices to provide us with on-demand information at any time. It’s true that we rely on our digital devices for just about everything, in both our professional and personal lives. … Read more