Whether you’re a committed minimalist or just aspiring to live your life with a little more meaning, listening to a podcast can offer you the perfect way to explore new ideas and concepts.
Best of all, you can enjoy listening along to a podcast while you’re on your way to work, taking a bath or going for a run – so they’re a fantastic way to make the very best use of your time.
Are you looking for the best minimalist podcasts to start subscribing to?
Well, you’re in the right place – read on for my list of the 17 Best Minimalist Podcasts – I’m certain that you’ll soon be adding these to your favorites!
Minimalism For Beginners
Lauren and Kelly are Canadian millennial minimalists. They use their podcast to share inspiration on ways to live a life with simplicity and intention.
The episodes cover a variety of topics including productivity, vulnerability and how to face the challenges that the minimalist lifestyle can present.
If you’re following a minimalist lifestyle (or just trying to find out where to start), then chances are you will have heard of The Minimalists – aka Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus.
The Minimalists Podcast discusses all kinds of different ways you can bring more meaning to your life with less. And they’ve helped 20 million people so far, so these guys are good at what they do.
Often, you’ll find their podcast in the #1 spot for health on Apple Podcasts. Occasionally, they’re even in the Top 10 of all shows!
There are over 150 episodes listed which cover topics from financial independence and positive thinking to simple choices and how to declutter your life.
If you’re at the start of your minimalist journey, why not work your way through the episodes of the Poppy Tree Minimalist podcast?
Episodes follow Mia’s journey from a life filled with clutter towards the minimalist lifestyle she’s working towards.
As Mia was a beginner when she started the podcast, this is an honest reflection of the challenges you might face as you work towards minimalism yourself.
More Than Minimalism
This one takes the minimalist concept one step further, with the addition of sustainability.
These topics go hand-in-hand and this podcast covers them in detail. Host Stephanie Seferian also seeks to provide information on zero-waste living, parenting, decluttering, and conscious consumerism.
Her website, Mama Minimalist, aims to provide a community to eco-conscious women, taking them ‘on a collective journey towards sustainable simplicity’.
Minimalist and vegan? Tune in to hear Michael & Masa Ofei discuss what it means to live with intention.
Each Monday, there’s a new episode covering a host of topics – including veganism, zero-waste living, how to more productive, and, of course, minimalism.
Achieving Happiness Through Minimalism Podcasts
Listen along to interviews with some of the most knowledgeable people in the fields of mindfulness and positive psychology.
The Live Happy Now website gives you the option to filter episodes by category – these include home, happiness and inspiration, among others – so it’s easy to find something that’s relevant to you and your minimalism journey.
This podcast is linked to Leo Babauta’s Zen Habits blog, where he explores (and challenges) some of the problems we all seem to have – not having enough time to do everything we need or want to and the feeling of inadequacy or “not being enough”.
Recent topics have included ‘The Biggest Reason We Don’t Stay on a Regular Exercise Habit’ and ‘The Face Everything Technique: Why Avoiding Difficulties Doesn’t Work’.
If you haven’t heard of Dan Harris, here’s a bit of background information…
In 2004, whilst he was working for ABC as a news anchor, Dan experienced a panic attack while he was on air.
Following this attack, he decided to learn meditation (despite previously being skeptical about its benefits) and writing a bestselling book called 10% Happier.
Subsequently, he launched an app, ‘10% Happier: Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics’. This weekly podcast sees Dan exploring if it’s possible to be ambitious while striving for enlightenment.
There are some top quality guest speakers in some of the episodes, too.
Simple Living Podcasts
This one’s had hundreds of thousands of downloads, so it’s certainly popular. Joel Zaslofsky uses this podcast to ‘explore the slower side of life’, considering topics such as simplicity, mindfulness, and living with intention.
Episodes cover topics like meditation, gratitude, minimalism, and primal-living – and Joel regularly invites guest speakers to share their own experiences.
This podcast focuses on one of the key concepts of minimalism – simplicity. It offers lifestyle tips and tools for women looking to make the best of their life in all areas – from health, hormones, finances, and mindset.
Many of the episodes feature knowledgeable guest speakers and people who are willing to share stories of their own personal challenges with listeners.
Live Your Best Minimalist Life Podcasts
This personal audio diary discusses ways you can live a good life. Each episode sees the host sharing their own experiences of applying minimalist concepts to their own lifestyle.
Listen along as they transform their life of clutter and make more space and time for what really matters. There are some great, practical tips to apply to your own lifestyle, particularly within the ‘Email and tasks’ and “Pushback” episodes.
The tagline for this one is “slow living for a fast world”, so this is one of the best simple living podcasts.
It’s aimed at people who want to escape from the pressures of racing through life, trying to keep up with the Jones’s and never saying no.
If you want to take things a little more slowly, simplify your lifestyle and spend more time focusing on the things that are important to you, this is the podcast for you.
In each episode, you can find out more about what makes people want to make this change, how your life could be different if you move to a slower pace of life and how to get started.
This website sees Justin Malik and his team searching daily for the best online content on topics like minimalism, personal development and health – then they read it out to you on their daily podcast.
It’s a simple yet effective concept – a daily digest of great content and an easy way to remove the hard work of finding decent blogs to read – meaning you have more time to start applying the principles learned to your own life.
Decluttering Podcasts
Clutter – it gets in the way of everything. It can stop you from living the lifestyle you deserve. And it can come in many forms – physical clutter is the most obvious, but it’s also possible to have energetic, spiritual, emotional and mental clutter.
Find out how to declutter your life from top to bottom with Julie Coraccio’s podcast series.
Once you’ve decluttered, you’ll have space and time to pursue your passions, lead a happier life – and share your experiences in the hope that you can help somebody else improve their own life.
If you’re fed up of feeling as though you’re not living the life you deserve, this podcast is here to help.
The podcast is no longer running but receives an honorable mention as there are 185 episodes that still have the power to apply to your life today.
I’d suggesting working your way from the beginning to make sure you don’t miss anything. Episodes cover topics that will be relevant to pretty much anyone – from “thriving in the midst of loss” and “the emotional blocks to decluttering” to “how to make and keep friends” and “how to be happy”.
If you have a specific area you want to focus on, take a scroll through the episodes – they all have descriptive titles, so you’re sure to find one to help you here.
Career Minimalist Podcasts
Peter Fritz is a middle-aged father of three. He’s been divorced twice (and broke twice) and his mission is to help people over the age of 40 make the best of their midlife years (avoiding the classic crisis stage!)
This podcast sees Peter discussing all the amazing benefits of working remotely – and how “the simple act of working how and where you choose can change everything”.
Living with purpose is certainly easier if you have the freedom to plan your own time, so considering a remote working career is a great place to start your minimalism journey.
Have you heard of Tim Ferriss? If not, then you’ve probably heard of The 4-Hour Work Week (and if you haven’t, doesn’t it sound fabulous?!)
This podcast sees Tim interviewing a range of people to find out their favorite ways to apply the principles of minimalism to their lifestyles – including tips, tools and tactics.
And while they might all apply (or even appeal) to everyone, all of the episodes are entertaining and you’re bound to learn something from listening in.
Ready to start living your life with more meaning?
Follow these 17 of The Best Minimalism Podcasts to help you learn more about the minimalist lifestyle. Tune in to one of these super helpful podcasts today.
Have you found any other great minimalism podcasts? Which ones do you like tuning into? Tell us all about your best minimalist podcasts in the comments section.
Did you know I recently started my own podcast? Tune-in weekly for advice and tips on minimalism and intentional living.
Thanks – I can tell you put lots of effort into this post – it’s really, really helpful.
Thank you! I’m so glad to hear that!
Thank you so much for sharing this list! I love the minimalist perspective, and I can always use more podcasts.
You’re welcome! Glad you like them.
I’ve been wanting to get into minimalism for a while, so excited to give these a listen!
Let me know which one is your favorite!