7 Simple Ways to Feel Comfortable in Your Own Skin

Everyone has days where they feel insecure in their own skin, battling with their flaws and imperfections.

No matter how confident and secure you are, there will always be days where you battle with your self-esteem and that’s okay.

However, this doesn’t diminish the fact that it’s easy to go through. When your insecurities are getting the best of you, it’s hard to feel comfortable in your own skin and this impacts even the way you see yourself.

In this article, we’ll be talking about the 7 simple ways to feel comfortable in your own skin.

What It Means To Feel Comfortable in Your Own Skin

When you’re comfortable in your own skin, no matter what flaws or insecurities you have, you know these don’t define you but rather, you know you’re defined by your strengths.

Being secure in your own skin means accepting who you are, both the desirable parts and not so favorable.

No matter what anyone else says about you, you are secure enough to know who you are and you know that other people’s opinions are not a credible source of validation.

It’s more than just appearing confident and secure, but it’s being so secure that not even your thoughts can bring down your self-esteem.

feeling comfortable

On a really bad and insecure day, being comfortable in your skin also means that you don’t believe everything your mind tells you, but you contradict all the negative self-talk you tend to engage in.

When you’re secure enough, it will naturally show in how you perceive things and how you behave.

7 Simple Ways To Feel Comfortable in Your Own Skin

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1. Don’t focus on your weaknesses

I know this is easier said than done, but you shouldn’t let yourself focus on your insecurities and weaknesses.

Dwelling on your flaws will just negatively impact your self-esteem so it’s much better to build on your strengths.

You can’t always change every ounce of your weaknesses, but you can always use your strengths to your advantage which will encourage a more confident version of yourself.

2. Don’t validate every thought

Your mind can be filled with so much negativity and doubt so it’s not exactly a credible source.

When dealing with self-sabotaging thoughts, don’t ever believe the thoughts you’re having as most of the time, they come from a place of fear and insecurity.

Instead, learn to question and counter your thoughts. Instead of the thought ‘I’m not good enough’ reverse it into ‘I’ve always been more than enough.’

Reversing your thoughts into a more positive light gives you more power than you think.

3. Work on your personal issues

I know this is easier said than done, but working on your personal issues is one way to feel comfortable in your own skin.

Avoiding dealing with trauma and certain problems will always come back in the form of insecurities so it’s best to deal with them earlier on rather than repressing them.

If there’s something you haven’t confronted yet, be sure to work on this to lift that burden off your shoulders.

Your personal issues comprise a large portion of your insecurities than you realize.

4. Dress up

There’s nothing bad about dressing up in a way that makes you feel good, every now and then.

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Take yourself out with friends or go somewhere and dress in an outfit that brings out the most confident version of yourself. Don’t hesitate to look your best and really prep for this.

It’s so underrated how dressing up can give you more confidence than you realize and not to mention, having a change of environment also does wonders for your self-esteem.

Instead of staying at home all day, take yourself out at your most confident self.

5. Don’t listen to society

It’s so unfortunate that society has this toxic notion of what beauty is supposed to be and look like, but this isn’t an accurate representation of what beauty is.

Change the rules and don’t let yourself give in when society tells you that you only deserve to feel confident when you look a certain way.

Confidence and self-esteem come from within and until you realize that, you won’t feel comfortable in your own skin when you’re seeking validation from all the wrong places.

feeling comfortable in your own skin

6. Surround yourself with confident people

It’s amazing when you realize how much the people you surround yourself with can affect how you view yourself.

When you surround yourself with confident people, this will reflect your overall perspective and outlook on yourself.

Instead of constantly being around people who drain you and are considered as negative, choose to be around those that can encourage and lift you up.

They will inspire you with their positivity and energy that you need to overcome the doubt you’re struggling with. 

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7. Realize that nobody defines you but yourself

You’ve got to stop listening to what others say about you because people will always drag you down along with them.

Nobody likes seeing someone comfortable in their own skin, which is why people always try to diminish someone’s self-esteem when they see you’re secure in who you are.

Never listen to what others say about you when they’re full of negativity and doubt.

Instead, keep moving forward with your confidence and realize that you’ll go places, no matter what flaws you have.

Keep your head held high and ignore the people who try to convince you that your worth will only be defined by your shortcomings, your mistakes, and bad decisions.

Final Thoughts

I hope this article was able to shed insight into everything you needed to know about feeling comfortable in your own skin.

With these ways, hopefully you’ll find it easier to battle against your insecurities and become capable of choosing confidence instead.

No matter what anybody else tells you, you deserve to feel confident in who you are and aren’t defined by the failures and mistakes you make as a person.

Life is too short to live it with self-sabotaging actions and thoughts so choosing a confident life is the best thing you can do.