An optimist is someone who always looks on the bright side of things even if something bad has happened.
Optimism can be helpful in a variety of ways and these 23 characteristics will show you what it means to be an optimistic person and maybe even help you feel a bit more optimistic in the future.
1. Optimistic people see opportunities instead of problems
Optimistic people recognize that they can make the best of any situation. Optimists see opportunities instead of problems because they know that anything is possible with a positive attitude and hard work.
2. Optimistic people are more satisfied with their lives
Optimistic people are more satisfied with their lives, even when they’re going through difficult situations. They don’t let negative feelings get the best of them because they know what is good in life and keep a positive attitude.

3. Optimists stay active and engaged in life because they believe that things will get better
Optimistic people stay active and engaged in life because they believe things will get better. They are able to show resilience when faced with adversity, which leads to positive outcomes for their lives.
4. Optimists have a positive effect on the people around them
Optimistic people positively affect the people around them because they can find something good in any situation. They are able to motivate and inspire others with their attitude, which is often contagious!
5. Optimists are resilient
Optimistic people are resilient because they tend to believe that things will get better. They are able to bounce back from difficult situations, which leads to a better outlook on life.
6. Optimists have a knowledge of past success to draw from
Optimistic people have a knowledge of past success that they can draw from. They are able to use their successes and achievements as motivation for the future because they know what is possible with hard work.
7. Optimists bounce back from setbacks quickly
Optimistic people bounce back from setbacks quickly. Optimists are able to move on after failure because they know that there is always something good in life if you have a positive attitude and try your best at everything!
8. Optimistic people use optimism to solve difficult problems
Optimistic people use optimism to solve difficult problems. They are able to find the best possible way out of a situation because they know that anything can be solved with a positive attitude and hard work!
9. Optimistic people have a positive outlook on life
Optimistic people have a positive outlook on life. They are able to take the best possible outcome out of any situation because they always see the glass as half full and never give up when things get tough.
10. Optimistic people believe that everything happens for a reason
Optimistic people believe that everything happens for a reason. Optimists are better equipped to handle difficult situations because they see the opportunity for positive change in all circumstances.
11. Optimistic people focus on their strengths instead of their weaknesses
Optimistic people focus on their strengths instead of their weaknesses. They are able to find success in life by focusing on what they’re good at and working hard to improve where necessary.
12. Optimistic people remember the good times better than the bad ones
Optimistic people remember the good times better than bad ones. They are able to find happiness in life because they’re always looking for something positive that can happen, even when faced with difficult situations.
13. Optimistic people have a strong sense of self
Optimistic people have a strong sense of self. They know who they are and what they want out of life, which leads to a more fulfilling experience.
14. Optimistic people have good coping skills
Optimists are able to develop strong coping techniques when faced with difficult situations because they believe things will get better. They use their optimism to cope with difficult situations, which leads them to see the best possible outcome. Optimistic people know how to handle any situation with ease.
15. Optimistic people are great at accepting compliments
Optimists are able to accept compliments in a gracious and modest way because they always know that there’s something good about themselves. Optimistic people know how to appreciate themselves and others.
16. Optimistic people are driven by their passion
Optimists are driven by their passions in life. They know what they want and work hard to achieve it because of the joy that comes from pursuing a goal. Optimistic people enjoy the little everyday joys that come their way.
17. Their optimism is contagious
Optimism can be infectious, especially when someone has an optimistic attitude. Optimistic people inspire others to be their best because they know that anything is possible when you have the right mindset.
18. Optimists are able to see things from another person’s perspective
Optimists are able to be empathetic and understanding of other people’s points of view because they always put themselves in someone else’s shoes. They know how to be supportive of others.
19. Optimists see the good in everything
Optimists are able to find a silver lining even when faced with difficult situations because they always remember that there is something positive if you have a good attitude and try your best at everything.
20. Optimists take responsibility for their own actions
Optimistic people know that they have the power to change anything in their lives because they believe everything happens for a reason. Optimism can lead someone on a positive path, which may not be how things would’ve turned out.
21. Optimistic people understand the power of words
Optimists are able to use their attitude in a positive way, which can lead them to success. Optimism is contagious and an optimist’s actions have an effect on others as well.
They know how powerful optimism truly is because they realize it’s not always about what happens but rather how you react to it. Optimistic people understand the power of words, which means they are careful about what they say because it can have a positive or negative effect on someone else as well.
22. Optimistic people know everything is possible if you believe in yourself
Optimists always remember that anything is possible when you have faith in yourself and believe that you are capable of anything.
They know it’s not about what happens but how they react to it, which leads them on a positive path where everything is possible if you believe in yourself and have faith in your abilities.
23. Optimistic people are patient
Optimists know that things will come to them if they wait it out. They always find the best in everything even at their lowest points and know that patience is a virtue.
Final Thoughts
Now that we’ve learned how to identify an optimistic person, it’s time for you to take the next step and adopt some of those traits yourself. Consider these 23 characteristics in order from most important (1) – least important (23). Which trait are you going to try first?