20 Practical Ways to Clean Out Your Closet

Closets tend to be a cluttered, disorganized place for many of us, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

I recently just cleaned out my closet, as it has been a goal of mine for quite some time.

It honestly changed my daily routine and made my life that much easier.

I no longer have to waste any time searching for my favorite white blouse or that long-lost shoe!

So, get ready to take a day and do a total closet cleanout. I listed some great tips below for you to follow…


How Do I Clean Out My Closet?

Cleaning out your closet is pretty simple if you are intentional about it.

You need to go into this with a plan.

The first part of your closet cleanout requires you to take EVERYTHING out.

Yes, everything! Next, comes the sorting of your pieces into different piles based on keeping, donating or throwing away.

After you know which pieces you are keeping and what you are getting rid of, you can put everything back.

The key to putting everything back is being smart about it. You will have to get a little creative for this…

Consider adding in shelves, hooks, extra racks, etc.

Make sure everything has its own place and that there is some extra room for any future additions to your closet.

It is important to note that the way you store everything should go with your daily routines and rituals.

This way your closet will work with you and not against you!

We will get into more detail in the tips provided below.

how to clean out closet


What Do I Need in My Closet?


We will be covering two different categories for what you need in your closet.

Your physical clothing pieces and specific hardware to add for storage.

Although everybody may be different depending on style preference, climate, and budget, I believe that everyone should have these staple pieces in their closet:

  • Formal Attire: Dresses, Blazers, Nice tops, etc.

  • Athletic Wear/Athleisure (Optional): If you get your sweat on, you most certainly want specific attire for the gym or other exercise.

  • Casual Wear: T-shirts, Jeans, Yoga Pants Outerwear: Trench-coats, Hoodies, Jackets

  • Shoes For All Occasions: whether it be flats, boots, heels, sneakers, etc. Accessories: Jewelry, Hats, Sunglasses, Scarves, etc.

I love shopping for clothes that also last longer, like the brand Fair Indigo. They specialize in organic cottons and more.

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As far as hardware for your closet, I would recommend using whatever fits your routine and the amount of clothing that you have.

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Whether you prefer using built-ins, baskets, hooks, an extra rack for clothing storage.

Whatever fits your space, style, and routine is what is going to work best for you. You can also get some ideas from the tips that are listed below:


20 Practical Tips To Clean Out Your Closet


1. Start with 3 piles.

“Keep”, “Donate/Sell”, and “Throw Away”:

“Keep” will consist of what you want to keep for your closet, “Donate/Sell” are items too good to throw away that can be reused by someone.

Consider selling the item if it is a name brand and/or in good condition.

The “Throw Away” pile is for anything faded, outdated, torn or used undergarments.


2. Try the 6 Months Rule

As you clean out your closet, look at the piece and ask yourself if you have worn it in the past 6 months, or if you will wear it in the next 6 months.

If it’s a “no” or you are unsure, it most likely needs to go.

If you haven’t worn it in 6 months, chances are slim that you will ever wear it!


3. Move Towards Staple Pieces.

Capsule wardrobes have become popular in recent years, and focus on having the basics.

It’s usually not worth going for the “trendy” pieces because they become quickly outdated, and you only wear them once or twice before getting sick of them.

If you are looking for some help to get started, there is a great course to take HERE

Be mindful as you add pieces to your closet, and if they will truly add value to your wardrobe.

For example, keep a nice pair of plain sneakers that go with everything and that perfect little black dress over buying a trendy item.

Think before you buy.

cleaning out closet


4. Consider Storage Units

Larger units like bookcases and closet specific racks can work wonders for organizing your space!

Although they may be a bit pricier, they usually pay off in quality.


5. Fold Clothes More Neatly

There are about 100 ways and more that you can fold different types of clothing.

If you fold clothes the right way, they will sit more nicely in your drawers and on your shelves.

As an added perk, it gives you some extra space to store your clothing, too.


6. Organize for the Seasons

I suggest putting out only the clothes you will be wearing for the current season, and storing the others in 5-gallon containers or vacuum bags.

This keeps your closet less cluttered and saves you time when picking out outfits.

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As a bonus, with the changing of the seasons, it gives you a chance to sort through your closet again!


7. Use the Right Hangers

Be sure to get the right kind of hangers for different types of clothing pieces such as sweaters versus pants.

This assures that our clothing stays in good shape and isn’t constantly falling off the hangers!


8. Organize Your Closet

Around Your Routine: Store pieces in a way that will be easy for you to grab every day.

You will thank yourself later for this!


9. Consider Using Nice-Looking Baskets

Baskets help to keep junk out of sight and keep things nice and tidy.

 You can place these up on a shelf or stacked neatly on the floor to make use of vertical space.

Check your local dollar store or craft store for chic yet functional options.


10. Utilize Empty Wall Space

Install shelves, hooks, or other hardware to store shoes and accessories without cluttering up the floor.

With the floor space clear, your closet will have more visual space and room for long-hanging items, like pants and dresses.


11. Double Your Clothing and Accessories as Wall Decor

Display your hats in a nice arrangement on the wall or your shoes on bookshelves.

Your clothing can double as room accessories and you can get as creative as you want!


12. Sort Your Items by Category

Do you want all your work clothes together? Find your blouses, skirts, blazers, and slacks and hang them together in one section of your closet.

The rest of your items can be sorted based on their style: tops, bottoms, accessories, etc. 

Once all of your items are sorted, you know exactly how much space they take up! This will help you arrange your closet most effectively.

13. Make Your Basics Accessible

What does your wardrobe need more than those staple pieces? 

Keep these in an easily-accessible part of your closet. Make sure they go back there when you put laundry away, to make your life easier.

14. Stow Away the Extras

You’ve put your seasonal items in bins. Maybe your closet does not have the space to accommodate this extra storage.

You can move these bins out to the garage, attic, or storage space of your home. If you don’t have these options, try under-bed storage bins to make the most of your space.

15. Make a Second Wardrobe

Do you get tired of wearing the same shirts day in and day out? Create a second wardrobe to solve your boredom.

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For each category of clothing items (tops, bottoms, blazers, sweaters, etc.), take half of the pieces and separate them into their own wardrobe.

You can pull from this second wardrobe when you are tired of the others, and you always have fresh looks to pull out.

16. Fold When Possible

Some shirts and pants need to be hung. But not every piece in your wardrobe belongs in your closet.

Fold your underthings, socks, t-shirts, pajamas, sweatpants, sweatshirts, workout shorts, and other items that are not wrinkle-prone. Store these in a dresser or cloth bins.

You save hanging space by not trying to hang items that don’t need to be hung.

closet decluttering


17. Get Rid of Multiples

A lot of us have more than one of each item. If you have more than one of the same shirt or pair of pants, why are they taking up room in your closet?

Especially if you have built a capsule wardrobe, choose to keep pieces based on your color palette and how many of each item you really wear.

18. Optimize Laundry

Make your laundry days easier by placing your laundry hamper or basket directly in your closet.

Keep a sock bag with the laundry basket so you can place your socks directly in the bag instead of having to search through dirty clothes for them later.

One less step can make your life that much easier and save you time on laundry day.

19. Add a Staging Area

Depending on the size of your closet, the staging area can be a hook on the door or a section of hanging space. 

In this staging area, prepare for tomorrow by choosing your outfit and hanging it in this spot. 

Planning ahead will minimize the decisions you need to make tomorrow and simplify your morning routine.

20. Use Hanging Organizers

The best way to save space in your closet may come from using novel solutions. Organization companies sell hangers to vertically organize your purses, belts, bras, and more.

Take advantage of unique hanging solutions to optimize the space in your closet. You can find these online or at your local home furnishings store.

Final Thoughts

Whether you have limited space or a walk-in closet, these closet cleanout tips will transform your space into a wonderfully organized oasis.

Take the time to think about what pieces you want to keep and get rid of.

Be sure to also get creative with how you put everything back.

Whether that be through storage pieces or using your clothing and accessories as room decor.

Don’t forget that while you are transforming your closet to have fun with it!



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