10 Simple Minimalist Homeschooling Tips for Parents

In the age of constant stress, business, and chaos, homeschooling can often be the final straw that pushes a parent or homeschooling guardian over the edge.

The last thing many parents want is to have to add yet another responsibility into an already busy day, but many families love homeschooling because of the flexibility and control it gives them over shaping their child’s education.

However, the demands of homeschooling itself can often be too controlling. With hundreds of educational and local statute requirements to follow, learning protocols to meet, and teaching strategies to be followed, homeschool can easily become an overwhelming experience.

Luckily, minimalist homeschooling provides an option for stressed-out parents to homeschool on their own terms and at their own pace with their children.

What is Minimalist Homeschooling?

Minimalist homeschooling involves applying the philosophy and principles of minimalism to your child’s homeschool environment. Minimalism prioritizes the things we most value and the removal of distractions, clutter, or external pressure that takes us away from our goals.

Minimalism isn’t just clean white spaces and empty shelves, it’s a simpler way of living that encourages people to follow their dreams and leave any doubts behind.

Minimalist homeschooling takes that philosophy to the next level by encouraging parents to leave behind preconceived notions of what a schooling environment might look and feel like and instead pursue the learning environment that makes their kids the happiest and most comfortable pursuing their goals.

If you’re ready to take on minimalist homeschooling, try these tips to help ease your transition into your newly simple education.


10 Simple Minimalist Homeschooling Tips

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1. Decide Your Goals Ahead of Time

Sit down and decide ahead of time why you’re pursuing homeschooling. Is it to provide your child with a better education? Is it because your child needs extra attention to learn? Remember your purpose and prioritize it.

2. Stay Off Inspiration Sites

Every minimalist homeschooling experience is different. Your classroom doesn’t need to be a perfect, home-designed, boutique learning masterpiece. It just needs to help your child learn in whatever way works best for them. Don’t be tempted to copy another set-up; listen to your child and what makes them happy.

3. Borrow, Borrow, Borrow

Many parents feel overwhelmed by homeschooling because of the lack of resources available that might regularly be in a school setting. This is what libraries are for. Check out local libraries or lending programs that can help your child borrow the tools, books, or resources they need. Now you can continue their education without spending all that cash!

4. Use What You Have

Minimalist homeschooling is about finding and sticking to the staple items that bring you the most joy. If your child has a favorite set of toys, use them in your lessons or as learning tools. If you’re creating a science lesson, use the tools in your kitchen as impromptu lab products. Whatever you have can be repurposed into a great school tool!

5. Build a Schedule

In homeschooling, children lose a lot of the traditional structured learning time that helps prepare them for transition into the workforce. If your child is taking on learning at home, it’s time to build in a schedule that’s easily available and adhered to so you can reinforce the value of time for yourself and your kids.

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6. Enroll in Extracurriculars

Minimalist homeschooling means taking the time to enjoy all the little things in life, including extracurricular activities! If your child really loves the science lessons you do at home, find a local after-school science club or space where they can supplement their learning and socialize with other kids their age. The little moments mean a lot!

7. Keep Your Goals Simple

Part of the fun of homeschooling is that you’re not bound by the strict and regimented rules that traditional teachers are. Keep your learning objectives targeted but simple and watch your child flourish on their own timetable!

8. Keep Homework to a Minimum

Part of minimalist homeschooling should be giving your child as much time as they need to enjoy life on a looser and more relaxed schedule. Try to work most of your homework into your child’s day so that when they’re done learning, they can simply leave to play or work on their own interests.

9. Connect with Other Homeschooled Kids

Connecting with other homeschool students is a major way to increase your child’s social skills and confidence. Other homeschool kids and moms know what it’s like to be working through a homeschool curriculum, so they can work with you to support you when you need new directions!

10. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask for Help

Minimalist homeschooling is not an isolated journey. Though every journey is different, there are plenty of mentors and other parents in the field who have gone through the minimalist homeschooling journey before and have their own set of tips and tricks to share with you. Reach out to them and get their take when you’re in need of some extra guidance.

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minimalist homeschool

Why You Should Try Minimalist Homeschooling

Minimalist homeschooling is the perfect antidote to a hypercompetitive modern culture. In minimalist homeschooling environments, you can remove the pressure and drive that forces so many kids in traditional schooling into bad situations and create an environment that’s designed to help your child flourish in their own way.

By trying minimalist homeschooling, you’re prioritizing your child and their needs from a place of love and encouragement.

Final Thoughts

Minimalist homeschooling is an exciting new way to blend simple, efficient, and joyful living with your little one’s education.

No matter where you’re at in your homeschool journey, starting minimalist homeschooling is a great way to remove the distractions and stress from your kiddo’s life and put them on the path to happiness and success.