15 Powerful Ways to Stop Being Taken For Granted

Article Updated February 13th, 2024

Do you feel like you’re always the one giving, and never receiving? Do people take you for granted and not appreciate all that you do for them? You are not alone. Many people feel this way. But there are things you can do to change the dynamic and get the respect you deserve.

It’s time to start standing up for yourself and demanding the respect you deserve! In this blog post, we will discuss 15 ways to stop being taken for granted once and for all.

What it Means to Be Taken For Granted

it means not being appreciated or valued for who you are and what you bring to the relationship. It can manifest in various ways, such as not being acknowledged for your efforts, having your needs and feelings ignored, or feeling like you are constantly putting in more effort than the other person.

Being taken for granted is a common experience that many people go through in their relationships, whether it be with family, friends, or romantic partners. It can lead to feelings of hurt, frustration, and even resentment.

15 Ways to Stop Being Taken For Granted

1. Set clear boundaries

If you don’t want to be taken for granted, set some boundaries. Let people know what you will and won’t tolerate. If someone crosses your boundaries, let them know in a polite but assertive way. Stand up for yourself and don’t let people walk all over you.

This will send a clear message that you are not someone to be taken for granted and that you deserve respect.

2. Stop doing everything for everyone

If you are always the one who is putting others first, you will eventually get taken for granted. Start thinking about yourself and what you need. Stop doing everything for everyone and start thinking about what makes you happy.

This will help you focus on yourself and your own needs, which will, in turn, help you stop being taken for granted. Self-care is not selfish. We recommend using Facee if you need a little boost to your routine.

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3. Don’t be afraid to say no

One way to stop being taken for granted is to start saying no. If someone asks you to do something, and you don’t have the time or energy, say no. You don’t have to justify your decision, just say no.

This will help you take control of your own life and stop letting others dictate what you do. It will also help to send the message that you are not always available and that you should not be taken for granted.


4. Don’t overcommit yourself

Another way to stop being taken for granted is to avoid overcommitting yourself. If you say yes to every request, people will automatically assume you can do anything. Start saying no more often, and only commit to things you know you can handle.

This will help you manage your time better and avoid feeling overwhelmed. It will also show people that you are not always available, which will help stop them from taking advantage of your time.

5. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want

If you want something, don’t be afraid to ask for it. Don’t assume that people will just know what you want. Spell it out for them and let them know how you would like to be treated. This includes letting your partner know what kind of relationship you want.

This will help people know what your expectations are and how they should treat you. It will also show them that you deserve to be treated well, which will help stop them from taking advantage of you.

6. Stand up for yourself

If someone is mistreating you or not treating you with respect, stand up for yourself. Don’t let them walk all over you. Let them know that you deserve to be treated well and that you will not tolerate being mistreated.

This will help establish boundaries with others and show them that you are not someone to be taken for granted. It will also make it clear that you deserve respect, which will help stop others from taking advantage of you.

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7. Set the tone for how you want to be treated

If you want to be treated with respect, start by treating others with respect. Show people that you value them and their time.

Be polite and courteous, even if they are not being respectful to you. This will help set the tone for the relationship and show people that you are not someone to be taken for granted.

8. Don’t give up your power

One of the easiest ways to let others take advantage of you is to give up your power. Don’t allow them to control you or tell you what to do. Stay strong and don’t let them push you around.

This will help maintain your boundaries and keep people from walking all over you. It will also show them that you are not someone to be taken for granted.

9. Demand respect

The best way to stop being taken for granted is to demand respect. Show people that you deserve to be treated well and that you will not tolerate being disrespected. Stand up for yourself and let them know that you are not someone to be taken for granted.

This will help establish your authority and show people that you mean business. It will also help stop others from taking advantage of you.

10. Communicate your feelings

If you want people to respect you, you need to communicate your feelings. Let them know what makes you happy and what bothers you. If you keep your feelings bottled up, they will eventually come out in a not so pleasant way.

This will help keep the lines of communication open and prevent misunderstandings. It will also show people that you are not afraid to communicate, which will help stop them from taking advantage of you.

11. Set clear expectations

If you want people to respect your time, set some expectations. Let them know how long you are willing to wait before they can expect a response from you. If they don’t respect your time, they won’t respect you at all.

This will help you manage your time better and show people that you are not someone to be taken for granted. It will also help them understand how you work, which will make it easier for them to respect you.

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12. Be confident in yourself

If you want people to respect you, you need to be confident in yourself. Don’t doubt yourself and don’t let others bring you down. Believe in yourself and your abilities.

This will help you stand up for yourself and show people that you are not someone to be taken for granted. It will also make it easier for them to respect you.

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13. Set the example

If you want people to respect you, you need to set the example. Be polite and respectful to others and they will follow your lead.

If you are rude and aggressive, that is what people will respond to. Be the change you want to see in the world.

14. Reward good behavior

If you want people to respect you, you need to reward good behavior. Thank people when they do something nice for you and show appreciation for the things they do.

This will encourage them to continue being respectful and help stop others from taking advantage of them. It will also make them feel appreciated, which is a feeling everyone enjoys.

15. Stay strong

No matter what happens, stay positive. Don’t let the negative things in life bring you down. Stay strong and don’t let others take advantage of you.

This will help maintain your dignity and show people that you are not someone to be taken for granted. It will also make it easier for them to respect you.

Focus on the good and look for the silver lining in every situation. This will help keep your spirits high and show people that you are not someone to be taken for granted. It will also make life a lot more enjoyable.

Final Thoughts

 It’s never too late to make changes in your life. You deserved it. If you’re feeling like people are taking advantage of your time, or not showing appreciation for what you do, try these 15 ways to break out of that cycle and start getting noticed again.