15 Ways to STOP Feeling Not Good Enough

Feeling not good enough can come in many forms – not smart enough, not attractive enough, not successful enough.

It’s been said that we live in a world where people are more likely to share their successes than their failures on social media and the internet. This blog post is designed to help you stop feeling not good enough by giving you 15 ways to do just that.

Why You May Be Feeling “Not Good Enough”

We all want to feel good about ourselves, but not feeling good enough can come from not living up to expectations or not meeting our own standards. It can also stem from comparing yourself with others more successful than you are and wondering why they’re lucky and got something that you didn’t.

There are many reasons why we may feel this way. Regardless of the cause, not feeling good enough can lead to feelings of low self-worth and not being able to find happiness.

This is something we must overcome and resolve within ourselves to be able to move forward and place more value on ourselves- because you are worth it.

feeling not good enough

15 Ways to Stop Feeling Not Good Enough

1. Start by being more kind to yourself.

The more you can be nice to yourself, the more your not feeling good enough will start to fade away.

Acknowledge that it’s not always easy being who you are and not meeting expectations, but try not to get caught up in how “not good enough” this makes you feel.

You’re a person who deserves love and kindness, not to be put down.

2. Stop comparing your life to others on social media.

Comparisons are not a good idea and they never end well. It’s not worth feeling not good enough because of them.

Sometimes, not feeling good enough comes from not meeting our own expectations. One thing that can contribute to this is comparing ourselves with others on social media who are more successful than we may be in different aspects of their lives or careers.

It’s not a healthy way of looking at yourself and it won’t help you feel better about not feeling good enough.

Instead, find a way to love yourself and not feel envious of others because they may seem happier or more successful than you are. We all have problems in different aspects of our lives- not everyone is perfect like that!

As long as you’re happy with who you are, then that’s all that really matters in the end not how others perceive us or what we’ve accomplished.

( If you need extra support and tools from a licensed therapist, I recommend MMS’s sponsor, BetterHelp, an online therapy platform that is both flexible and affordable. Get started today and take 10% off of your first month of therapy HERE )

3. Be mindful of your thoughts and feelings, and how they affect you.

When not feeling good enough, we can get caught up in our own self-criticism and not realize how this affects us.

We focus on things that are “wrong” or didn’t go as well as planned, which could lead to feelings of low self-worth.

Mindfulness is a way for people to reflect on their thoughts and feelings, not being caught up in them. This can help because you’re not allowing negativity to control your life or take over who you are as a person.

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A great tip is to try positive affirmations when not feeling good enough- they work wonders!

An example of this could be saying “I am good enough” or “even though I don’t feel good enough right now, I know that there are so many things about me that make me a unique and special person.”

This form of self-talk can help you stop feeling not good enough by reminding yourself of your strengths.

4. Create a list of the things you do well and share it with others in order to boost your self-worth.

This may not feel easy, but it’s important to recognize your strengths and what you do well not only for yourself but also in order to share this with others.

If we don’t know our own worth or value as human beings because of not feeling good enough, then how can we expect anyone else to love us unconditionally?

Take the time to not only think about what you do well but also write it down.  This way when not feeling good enough arises you can look back at your list and see how much value there is in who we are as a person.

It’s not always easy doing this on our own since not feeling good enough can make us not want to see the good in ourselves, but it’s not a choice that we have to continue living with.

It starts by being aware of what you do well and not feeling bad about yourself- because when not feeling good enough is your problem, then there are other things going on internally.

5. Realize that not feeling good enough is self-destructive.

As hard as this may sound, not feeling good enough can be self-destructive.

It’s not worth not putting yourself first out of guilt or obligation when not being your best is the problem in order to feel better about not feeling good enough because this won’t help you get through it.

Instead, find a way to love who you are and what you do not only for yourself but also to show others that not feeling good enough isn’t something they should be embarrassed about.

It takes a lot of strength and courage to not let this negative emotion define you or your worth as a human being- so don’t give up on yourself when not feeling good enough is the problem!

6. Spend time with positive people who are supportive and encouraging.

It can be hard not feeling good enough when you’re not surrounded by people who support and encourage what you do.

Spending time with positive people is important not only because it will help you feel better about not being good enough, but also because they’ll show that there are others out there going through the same thing as well.

It’s not just you that feels this way and it can be helpful when not feeling good enough to know that we’re not alone in our struggles.

In order to feel better about not being good enough, find time- even if it’s for a few minutes or hours a day to spend with people who don’t make us feel not good enough.

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This will not only help us feel better about not being perfect but also be an opportunity for people to show their support and love when we need it most- which is important not just for ourselves but also for others who struggle with not feeling good enough as well!

7. Remind yourself that nobody is perfect, and you shouldn’t expect perfection from yourself.

The best thing to do not only when not feeling good enough but also in life is not to expect perfection from ourselves.

We’re human, and being perfect will not exist on this earth- so there’s no reason for us as imperfect beings that we are not to feel good about who we are!

It can be hard not feeling good enough not only because we expect ourselves to be perfect but also because society tells us that being not good enough when you’re not is wrong.

In order to stop feeling not good enough, it’s important for us to remind ourselves what perfection really means and how this can’t exist as long as we are human beings living on earth.

8. Don’t give up on something just because it doesn’t come easy for you.

Not feeling good enough can be self-destructive not just because of guilt or obligation, but also when we give up on things that come naturally to other people

It’s not worth not doing what comes naturally to us only so we can feel better about not being perfect- because this won’t help with the problem at hand.

Instead, not feeling good enough is an opportunity for us to not give up on things that might not come easy- because not being perfect isn’t a crime.

It’s also important not only when we’re not feeling good enough, but in life as well to just stick with something and have the courage to keep going even if it’s not easy.

The reward in not giving up when you don’t feel good enough is not just the achievement we get from finishing what we started, but also the courage to keep going even when it’s hard- something that can be valuable not only for ourselves but also for others who are struggling with not being perfect as well.

9. Not feeling good enough problem is not what defines you.

It’s not just the bad things in life that define us- we are defined by more than this.

Not being perfect isn’t something to be ashamed of and it doesn’t have to be the only thing other people know about us.

It’s not just “not feeling good” enough that defines us, and so we should not let this negative emotion be the only thing that controls our lives.

10. Know your worth.

It’s not the feeling of not being good enough that defines what we’ve accomplished in life and our worth as human beings, but how we react to this emotion- whether or not it leads us down a destructive path of self-destruction because of guilt and obligation even, or if it inspires us to keep going no matter the odds against us.

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111. Practice self-care, including taking time to sleep and eat well.

In order not to keep struggling with feelings of guilt, obligation, or general dissatisfaction in life because we don’t think we’re perfect human beings when this isn’t true anyway, it’s not being not good enough to take care of ourselves.

Some ways in which we can practice self-care are by taking time away from the internet and social media, as well as not attempting to please anyone other than ourselves because this is not what life is about.

It’s also important not only when we’re not feeling good enough, but in life as well to just stick with something and have the courage not only to stay committed when it’s not easy or fun but also not give up on things that come naturally- because not being perfect isn’t a crime.

12. Make a list of everything that’s going well in your life.

It’s not just the not feeling good enough we have to focus on- and it’s important that when this negative emotion is the only thing going through our heads, we also remember what else is happening in life.

Making a list of what interests us or what makes us happy can help put things into perspective as well because not being perfect doesn’t have to mean not being happy.

We can also focus on the many things that we may take for granted and not even realize they matter, such as a good night’s sleep or having enough money in our bank account- because this emotion leads us down with guilt and obligation that brings unhappiness and not happiness.

13. Create a mantra for yourself.

One way not to feel not good enough is not only by creating a mantra for ourselves, but also reminding ourselves of our worth and what we are capable of.

It’s not feeling “not good enough” or having not done something that makes us who we are- it’s how we deal with these emotions in the face of adversity, self-doubt, and not feeling good enough, that defines what we are as human beings.

14. Reconnect with your passions.

Reconnecting with our passions not only distracts us from negative feelings but also allows us to become involved in things we truly love to do.

It’s not the feeling of not being good enough that motivates us to keep going, but our passions and what we love.

15. Realize is not something to be ashamed of.

Feeling this way is not something to be ashamed of. In fact, you are not alone. Many people experience the feeling of “not being good enough,” even those who you may least expect to.

Practice self-compassion and be gentle with your feelings, the key is to not dwell in them.

Final Thoughts

We hope this blog post has helped you feel more confident and empowered in your life. Whether you’re a woman or man, single or married, have children or not – there is always something to be grateful for! You are enough just the way you are. Remind yourself of that and follow these steps to boost your self-confidence.