15 Simple Steps to Create A Self Growth Plan

Are you ready to take your life and business to the next level? A self-growth plan is a great way to get there, but it’s not always easy.

This blog post will give you 15 steps that will help guide you through this process. Give yourself permission today by taking these first steps towards more personal and professional success!

self growth plan

Why Create a Self Growth Plan

A self-growth plan is the beginning of who you want to become, where you need help, and how life can be better for yourself and those around you. It will help you achieve your goals by giving them a timeline, and keep track of all the steps it takes to get there.

This year is your opportunity for new beginnings! It’s time to start fresh and set yourself up for success.

15 Steps To Create A Self-Growth Plan

1. Ask Yourself What Your Future Looks Like

What do you want your future to look like? This is probably the most fundamental question, and also one of the hardest. There are no right or wrong answers here—it’s just what you envision for yourself.

To give some examples, we had a client who wanted their life to reflect more financial security so they wanted to make more money and another client who wants to be able to spend more time with their family.

Start with your vision and go from there!

2. Identify The Obstacles

What are the obstacles? There will always be challenges in your way, but identifying them is important so you can prepare for them. Maybe it’s a lack of money or time on your hands that holds you back from achieving more success and happiness—maybe both!

3. Make A Vision Board

We get this question a lot: what’s the best way to visualize my goals? One of the most popular ways is by making a vision board. This doesn’t have to be anything fancy—you can make it on your computer or just cut out some pictures and glue them all together in an album!

You might think it’s silly, but when you look at your vision board every day (or even just once a week for an hour), it can help keep those goals in the forefront of your mind.

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4. Write A List

This is the most important step! Start with a list of all the goals you want to achieve, and then break them down into smaller steps.

This is a good place to keep in mind that every goal you set should be something you can realistically achieve. That way, when the list starts growing and your goals start becoming more ambitious, it will stay manageable and give you confidence as opposed to making you feel overwhelmed!

5. Figure Out What You Need

What do you need to achieve your life or business goals? This is a question that can’t be answered without some introspection, but it’s crucial to the process.

It might take time and more than one try in order to figure this out so don’t get discouraged! Once you know what resources are necessary to make your goals a reality, you can figure out how to get them.

6. Gain Perspective

It’s important to step outside of yourself and look at your life from a different vantage point.

Ask someone close to you what they think about it; read something that gives an outsider’s perspective, maybe about a related topic like leadership or balancing work and home life.

This will give you some fresh perspective on your goals, which can help when it comes to creating an action plan.

7. Find A Goal-Oriented Group

Find a goal-oriented group that can help support you in achieving your goals. This might be through joining or forming an accountability group, taking classes where people are working towards the same thing as you, and even seeking out coaches who specialize in the area of your goals.

The right community will give you the support you need to stick with your plan, which is key when it comes to seeing results.

8. Map Out The Steps

Now that you know what needs to be done, it’s time for the next step: mapping out your steps.

This is where all of your goal-oriented efforts will come together in a plan that can actually get results. Map out these steps with as much detail and specificity as possible so there are no misunderstandings about what you need to do.

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Be sure to leave room for “unexpected” obstacles and setbacks, too! This way your plan will be able to react accordingly while still achieving the goals you set out in the beginning of this process.

9. Set The Timing

In order to stay on track and stick with your plan, set a timeline for yourself. This way you’ll know when to start working on the next step so that nothing falls through the cracks!

This is also helpful because it gives you a time frame in which you need to achieve certain goals, which can be a motivating factor in itself.

If you’re having trouble sticking to the timeline, try adding rewards that will act as incentives for completing each step on time! This is a great way to stay motivated and make your plan work!

10. Track Your Progress

Staying accountable to your plan is critical for success. So, it’s important that you track where you are in the process and what steps have been completed already as a way of staying on track with the timeline.

It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on how long each step will take so none of them take longer than expected.

It’s important to know what you need and when, so that nothing falls through the cracks!

11. Celebrate Your Successes

Achieving your goals will be a long process of sticking with your plan for weeks or months at a time, but it won’t seem like such an insurmountable task if you celebrate your successes!

Share each success with the people who are helping support you along the way, and reward yourself for a job well done. This is what will keep you going in this process so make sure to take time out of every day to appreciate how far you’ve come.

12. Have A Plan B

Don’t feel bad about it, but you should always have a plan b. If something unforeseen happens, or if there’s any reason that you can’t stick with your current plan for whatever reason, then the backup is in place to give yourself an alternative route! This way you won’t be left feeling like all of your hard work was for nothing.

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It’s also good to have a backup plan just in case your original one isn’t working, or because you don’t want the same thing as it originally is. Whatever the reason might be, you’ll know that at least something will come from all of those hours and weeks spent on this process!

13. Surround Yourself With Support

It’s important to have support from people who know what you’re going through. This way, they’ll be able to help keep you on track when it comes to your goals and plans! They might also offer insight into new ways of viewing the situation so that no time is wasted in this process.

14. Stay Positive

Having a positive attitude is vital to any success in this process. It’s important to remember that you’re taking time out of your day for yourself, and not just so that others can have whatever they want from you!

It’s also good to be mindful about the way other people are feeling. This could help with distracting thoughts that are trying to pull you off course.

15. Keep A Journal

Whether it’s a blog post or just little notes on your phone, journaling can be a great way of tracking your thoughts and feelings as well as documenting the process. This will give you something tangible to look back on when questions about growth come up in the future.

Final Thoughts

We hope these 15 steps will help you create a self-growth plan for your life. If there are any other tips that have been helpful to you, we’d love to hear them in the comments section below!

And don’t worry—you’ll be able to keep coming back here anytime it feels like you need another push or refresher on how to get where you want to go. Self-growth is an ongoing journey and our job as humans is never done, so why not enjoy every step of the process?