10 Encouraging Ways for Women to Tame Their Inner Critic

Do you find your thoughts constantly criticizing your abilities? It can be difficult to live with the constant negative chatter in our heads.

But, if we as women can learn to control it, then we will have more peace and less stress.

In this article, we’re exploring 10 ways that you can tame your inner critic.


1. Practice Mindfulness

Being mindful is about being fully in tune with yourself. It's when you are aware of your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations without judging them or giving in to the temptation to ignore them.

The more that you practice mindfulness techniques, the easier it will be for you to control your inner critic!

Try this exercise: Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Focus on your breath and try to ignore any thoughts that come into your mind. If you find yourself focusing on a thought, then simply observe it without judgment and let it pass.

Don't say: "I'm not good enough" or "This will never work". Instead, think about what's actually happening right now.

2. Consider how you speak to yourself regularly.

You must recognize that merely considering something does not imply it is true. Pay attention to whatever you're thinking about and try to be aware of the messages you're sending yourself, no matter how routine your own stories become.

Also, grasp that our thoughts are frequently one-sided, prejudiced, and exaggerated.

3. Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Ones

It's important to first recognize the negative messages you tell yourself. Once you become aware of them, it will be easier for you to replace them with more encouraging thoughts that are actually helpful!

For example, instead of thinking "I'll never get this right" try saying something like "this is taking longer than I thought, but I'll get it in the end".

You can also try keeping a gratitude journal where you write down things that are going well or have gone well. You will probably be surprised by how many great things there actually were!

4. Acceptance is often accompanied by self-improvement.

If you can look at yourself and your life with honesty and compassion, you will see that no one is perfect. Let no one persuade you to be superior. There will be days when you do well and others when things don't go as planned.

All you can do is stay aware and strive to improve. Recognize your faults, commit yourself to correct them, and know that you are worthy of love.

Always remember to be kinder to yourself than anyone else is.

5. Take care of the 'little things'

It's easy to forget about your needs, especially if you've been neglecting yourself for a while. But it is important that you take time out every day and do something just for you.

For example, you could have a bath with some scented bubbles or light candles to create the right atmosphere.

Just remember that taking care of yourself is not selfish - it can actually help you become stronger and more resilient.

6. Consider how you'd advise a friend who was in your position

If you were advising a friend, what would you say to them? This is one of the best ways that we can learn how to be kinder and more understanding towards ourselves.

It's good to share your problems with someone close but make sure not to get caught up in feeling sorry for yourself - it won't help!

Instead of thinking "I'm so useless at this", try to think "it's difficult, but I can get it".

7. Don't compare yourself

We are all different, so it's important to remember that comparing ourselves to others isn't helpful.

If you do this kind of comparison often enough then one day there will be someone who is better than you at something and how would you feel?

It can actually make us more self-conscious about our own flaws which only makes us feel worse.

It's also important not to compare ourselves to who we were in the past. We might be older and wiser but that doesn't mean we've stopped growing as people, so don't try to stop yourself from learning new things or progressing.

8. Give yourself credit

It's easy to forget all the things we do well. If you want to be kinder towards yourself then make sure that you give yourself some praise and recognition every now and again.

You can also try to focus on the positives of a situation, even if it is difficult.

If you think about things too much then they will end up controlling your life and that's no fun. So be grateful for all the good in your life (and there are many!)

9. Be your own best friend

We all deserve to have the kind of relationships that we want, so why not try treating yourself like you're someone's closest companion?

Be open and honest with yourself about what makes you happy. If there are some things that don't make you feel good then it is okay to change them.

10. Remember that you can't please everyone

No matter how hard we try, there will always be people who don't like us. Try not to worry about what others think of you or your choices - it's their problem if they are unkind.

Instead, focus on the fact that YOU know yourself best and no one else is in charge of your feelings.

Final Thoughts

It’s important to be kind and understanding with yourself. You are not your inner critic, but it can affect you if you let it.

We hope these ten tips will help those who struggle with negative thoughts about themselves. Remember that you deserve kindness too.